I’ve been playing Living In The Same Place For the Rest Of My Life since 1997 but I’m starting to hate my neighbors, especially the new ones who want everything but don’t want to pay for the HOA fees.
I’ve been playing Living In The Same Place For the Rest Of My Life since 1997 but I’m starting to hate my neighbors, especially the new ones who want everything but don’t want to pay for the HOA fees.
The same EA that is currently under criminal investigation from 15 nations and one US state over their lootbox gambling bullshit?
If their partners are going to bitch about interrupted marketing plans in the face of a 6.7 earthquake, then their partners can go fuck themselves.
It seems that EA’s executives are sacks of human excrement.
The setup with the story kind of reminds me of Wild Arms 2, except that the 3 main characters hook up pretty much immediately after you finish all three of the mandatory intro stories. That’s when the 2nd (fancier opening) kicks in and you now have a party that needs to go grab the awesome war hero dude.
The Wrecking Ball is 4-legged.
The thing that some people are forgetting is that EA DICE is in Stockholm, Sweden.
Can I play Lost Odyssey on a Win 10 machine? I’m thinking about getting a new Sager laptop this summer.
My copy has arrived. Now to figure out which games to purge from my PS4's hard drive.
During high school, my classmates and I installed Counter-Strike on a set of computers in our math teacher’s classroom for a presentation about video game technology that we had later that day.
IIRC, the anime characters that do this usually lose their match like Rock Lee vs Gaara in Naruto. Also, Piccolo lost that fight when he took off his training weights just before his fight.
Or they can also ask their local Service Employees International Union (SEIU) chapter for advice on how to organize.
It makes some boss fights a bit easier because their magic/arcane attacks get nullified.
If people are playing the DLC stuff in Bloodborne, be sure to pick up the Loch Shield in the Research Hall. It is awesome at defending against arcane attacks, but you don’t want to use it to defend against physical attacks.
Inclusive of The Old Hunters DLC in Bloodborne?
Where were you when Microsoft went from Xbox to Xbox 360 and now to Xbox One and Xbox One X?
Interestingly enough, I just watched a video about circular airport runway designs from the BBC: