Derek Powazek

GOOD. The original is fucking brilliant. Go watch it instead.

Mr. Robot is either totally a Tyler Durden or the show is fucking with us. In the one fsociety scene in this episode (in the Arcade), someone asks Elliot a question and Mr. Robot steps in front of him to answer it. This staging was so that everyone was looking at Eliot while Robot was speaking. Also, as others noted,

Great recap. One note: I’m pretty sure we learned that Angela’s boyfriend was a cheater in the pilot. Eliot hacked him and noted that he was a cheater (and an asshole), but didn’t expose him (yet) because it was easier to keep tabs on him in the office.

This is a dangerous an irresponsible article and I'm disappointed in IO9 for running it.

The Red Forest, which crops up when Cassandra is in the bar and randomly sees the leaves on one of the plants turn red.

Seems like more of a spiritual successor to Buffy.

Well, yeah, but she announced to the entire group that he had cured the 2033 virus. Wouldn't at least one person be like, "Hey! We have a time machine. Why don't we go back and cure the 2033 virus so it never mutates?"

(Plus why not send Foster's cure of the 2033 strain back in time to 2015, so Cassandra Railly can mass-produce it? Just a thought.)

I love the Wachowskis, but chalking Fifth Element up to just Moebius is giving real short shrift to Besson and Gaultier.

"Here we are Cronenberg Morty, a reality where everyone in the world got genetically Cronenberged. We'll fit right in Cronenberg Morty. It will be like we never even left Cronenberg World."

"Good" seems a bit strong.

Oh, cool! Didn't know that's what they were called.


Two words: Energy slingshot.

No. Not once has it been worth it.

Season pass deleted.

What Lauren said.

I still love this show, but fuck if I can tell what anybody wants anymore.

So Extant is a Small Wonder reboot?