Derek Powazek

Best moment of TV all week.

Luke and Han! I always knew they'd get together eventually.

1. No.

You lost me at "Brannon Braga."

"I probably don't need to tell you why this is so fucked uo,"

Worst, most contrived kiss in the history of crappy sci-fi shows.

It's just sad how a goofy fun supernatural show like Sleepy Hollow can run rings around Grimm in 4 episodes, when Grimm's had 2 seasons to get it right. I'll watch part two of the premiere next week, but if there's no serious improvement, I'm out.

Your standards for "completely fascinating" are different from mine.

I don't care about Star Wars on TV. Star Wars has always been about the movies for me. Now, Star TREK on the other hand. I want Trek back on the small screen where it belongs.

I love Fifth Element so much, but part of its charm was all the prosthetics and model work. I'd hate to see it Phantom-Menaced.

I love the idea of trees growing in a former paper plant. Nature always wins!

I have fond memories of seeing this as a kid. Thanks for the flashback!

Uh, nevermind. So ... there's no way to delete my own comment?

These three old guys in Cowboy Bebop (which the internet tells me are named Antonio, Carlos, and Jobim) appear in many episodes, always making grandiose claims of accomplishments. [wikipedia]

Blomkamp pitching for Bugatti made me throw up a little.