Derek Powazek

Woof this reads as DESPERATE. “Hey kids! Remember Tony? Remember Cap? Remember Thanos? Please come watch this movie, too! We’re literally begging you.

Note to Gizmodo: it’s “antisemitism,” no hyphen.

What’s the difference between a CEO saying they want their app to be an “everything app” and a child in an ice cream shop demanding that they stuff ALL THE FLAVORS into their one cone?

Facebook is not a government. They don’t have a “Supreme Court.” They have a PR initiative laughingly called an “Oversight Board” that has no real power. Stop falling for their delusions of governance.

Hi Justin.


A lot of rich delusional assholes want a lot of vainglorious things. 

“Narc” is not an acronym. You don’t have to put it in caps.

I thought Cristians were taught to turn the other cheek.

Watchmen is the classic superhero murder mystery. It begins with a death and ends with the murderer confessing.

The thing that bugged me most is, isn’t Keeley the head of a PR agency? This was an amazing moment to show her actually being good at it. When people have public scandals, they GO TO PR AGENCIES. Instead Keeley is shown dithering and ultimately not doing anything. The show missed a great opportunity to show Keeley

Then you have no excuse for not knowing what an op-ed is.

You don’t know the first thing about being a “real journalist.”

No state permit is required for the purchase of any rifle, shotgun, or handgun in Montana. Montana amended its law in 2021 to allow permitless concealed carry.”

Meanwhile, the White House’s official policy is that TikTok should be banned.

Finn and Flame Princess did it first.

I wonder how much money Facebook/Meta has donated to Mark Warner.

Guess again, Jimmy.

Surprised to see no one mentioning this: I think Ethan blacked out and lost time. He was in the pool, the camera fades to black, then he’s in his room with the others banging at the door. I think that time jump make be hiding something important.

Or, yaknow, don’t.