Derek Powazek

We need Valleywag again.

I made a good investment buying that Lego Jedi-Shuttle. This is clearly the most durable ship in the entire continuity, considering the beating it took through several episodes.

Felt like a midseason finale. They’d have been better off selling it as that too because when you sell it like they did (one season, no announcements yet others), people are expecting certain things. The story beats were fine up until this point where you were expecting something, anything. Instead, we don’t get much

Fun show overall. It’s a live action cartoon, if you make peace with that it’s easier to enjoy.


I get the feeling that there might actually be a season 2 planned before the theatrical event. The only narrative reason I can think of for Ahsoka and Sabine being left marooned is to explore just what the hell Baylon is up to and that would be a bit much to squeeze into a film as a side story I think. Also that’s

I’m a pretty forgiving Futurama fan. I think the Comedy Central seasons get way more hate than they generally deserve as most of them were all pretty decent.

They had a great opportunity to do an actual tribute to TAS and have pretty much wasted it with bottom-of-the-barrel humour.

It really isn’t that complex, though. The fundamental problem is that streamers (most of which are now owned by the production companies themselves) have decided that the existing rules shouldn’t apply to them because they’re “different,” in much the same way that Uber decided the taxi regulations didn’t apply to them

Wrong. The child could be adorable.

I think there’s a lot more nuance to the debate about actors playing characters they do not share their same exact background with than the internet will allow, but casting a straight non-Jewish man to play a very famous gay Jewish man, while also putting him in an unnecessary prosthetic nose, and then also casting a

I think that James’ reading of the fight with the adult Gorn is a bit generous. I don’t really think that the show was trying to engender sympathy for the Gorn so much as cheering for Spock and Chapel killing it. And while there was stuff to like in the episode, this gets to my problem with it. The issues with Disco

I know many folks around here have liked Season 2 a lot more than I did, but I couldn’t help thinking about this episode in comparison to the finale last year. I think almost everyone agrees that A Quality of Mercy was among the best Trek episodes in the better part of 30 years, and that overall SNW Season 1 the same.

I’m baffled why they cast Carol Kane and gave her zero chance to rise above the one note, kooky performance. She takes me right out of the story every time.

I feel like a pure, unadulterated “I absolutely love Strange New Worlds” comment has a place here, at the end of the show’s second season. This is the first time I’ve truly felt like a kid watching Star Trek since the end of Voyager. I am so happy to have it back in a form like this.

The main thing everyone should be taking away from this is that being in the military makes you no less susceptible to becoming a crackpot conspiracist than any other person in society, and there’s no reason to act like service automatically grants you credibility.

Marvel had a real opportunity here to break out of their box and lean into the obvious mystery/paranoia of a spy thriller. Somehow, they decided to ditch that for something of a mess.

This is a show built heavily around the use of antisemitic and antimuslim conspiracy theories in order to create a paranoid feeling of terror and helplessness in the main characters and audience. But to get there it sacrifices its goodwill in creating its single best metaphor for refugee crises. And then it has the

I’ve liked everything MCU has done, even stuff people hated like Dark World. Now those were varying degrees of like, but I still liked them. Secret Invasion is a first for me. It’s not good. By any means. It’s incredibly bland and dull. It keeps saying its a “spy thriller” yet displays none of the characteristics to

Can we stop using direct Twitter (or is it “X” now?) links, as most of us have given up on the platform and can’t even see what you’re sharing.

So... does anyone else have a problem with the overall theme of “immigrants are literally replacing us?” This whole story line seems like something Richard Spencer could nod his head along to and say, “See, Marvel gets it!” It just seems weird that a show with a central premise that runs so closely to neo-nazi