Derek Powazek


These are art, not planters. None of these plants would live in this environment.

I'm only posting to say thank you to CJA for the perfect show description ("lights out and stop texting, kids") and the phrase "trouty-mouthed" which I am going to work into as many conversations as I can this week.

Please stop posting these. They are terrible.

Go rent "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" and I guarantee you'll stop seeing Agent Smith.

More than a year ago. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390443343704577553953443264394.html

I just want to thank you for using the phrase "intergalactic kegger."

Anyone else notice the Lost number at the top of the armored car in the beginning of the episode? That make me squee for a moment. Unfortunately that would be the last emotion I'd have for the next two hours.

You didn't miss much.

A trailer for a trailer? I'm excited about this movie, but come on....

I miss the Pixies.

Planet-wide cooperative environment where each individual contributes to the larger whole? That sounds a whole lot like the web to me.

I think that past paragraph explained where the island was on Lost.

Why is Andy Serkis staring at my junk?

The PDF link seems to be busted. :(

The joyous laughter and applause at the end is the best part.

The word you're looking for is "terraforming".

The word "pretentious" has a P and a T in it.

We have met the enemy, and he is Pseudomonas putida.