My Name's Potter. Steve Potter.

There were moments in the most recent film that brought me back to seeing the first film in theaters. (It helps that I saw it in the same independently owned theater in which I saw the first one, which was the first movie I saw in the town I currently live in).

Javier Bardem hamming it up should be a good thing, and yet somehow the last film managed to ruin that.

Say what you will about Dead Man's Chest (a film I enjoy) and At World's End (a film I don't), at least those movies had ambition. And characters whose motivations led to interesting interactions. And awesome set pieces and a good mixture of state-of-the-art CGI and practical effects.

Happy birthday to Irish Colin Farrell, one of my favorite living actors, and also happy birthday to American Colin Farrell, who is occasionally good in things.

Ahoy there, Debate Club!

Was Laurence Olivier a beloved supporting character on a beloved TV show that I watched every day with my mother during an otherwise unpleasant period of my life?

Well, Anonymous is based on "history", so no.

This sounds like a great debate for next week!

William Shakespeare has 1,269 posthumous writing credits.

I feel like it needs to be said that fucking Kraglin had a more complete and meaningful arc in that movie than Super-Cavill has had in either of his films.

Look at this guy, with his healthy way of dealing with the world.

If he doesn't, I'll be too upset to function.

Finally! A well-deserved number one!

Happy surprise Debate Club everyone!

I never met any hardcore fans.

The only good man in the world is Tom Hanks, and he didn't return their calls.

Well if my experiences in high school theater were typical, RENT will certainly draw in the teenage girl audience.

Fact: All Linkin Park songs sound like the music that a future school shooter listens to so he can keep an erection.

Well this was shit news to wake up to.