PotbellyJoe and 42 others

I remember wanting a Forester in 2008 when I bought my Vibe. It was ultimately too costly for my poorness, but you could get an XT with a manual all that cargo space and gear attachment points, and really enjoy both your weekend and your drive.

Don’t get me wrong, I would totally snatch one up if there was a clean one for sale nearby, but at no time was it a some amazing car, it just looked cool and had some fun gimmicks.

I’m going to show my age a little here, but when I was a kid, walking through the neighborhood I always loved the Nissan Pulsar NX SEs. Likely for the tail lights alone because the rest of the car was biblically terrible. Leaking t-top roof, cramped interior with a pitiful layout, and a thrashy but slow drivetrain.

Guys, the Jetta GLI and Civic Si exist. With manuals. New for his price range.

I think the data indicates the **quality** of car that is involved. NJ ranking highly for aggression and aggression caused collisions makes perfect sense, and the lower fatality rate just means we’re doing it in BMWs, Volvos, MBs, Teslas and the like, not bald-tired rusty shitbox pickups while not wearing seatbelts.

My 2009 Pontiac Vibe just turned 150k yesterday. My wife’s 2013 Chrysler T&C is about to roll to 160k.

His last year as a police captain, he cleared $214k, $40k of which was OT.

It’s fucking embarrassing when the mayor of the most populous metro in a country calls college students, “children” repeatedly in an official statement.

It’s clear this design was made by an employee on their Zbook who forgot their charger.

I was in the room for an ‘Employee Engagement Survey’ readout ~8 months after a 15% layoff.

I’ve been involved in the security at your desk post-meeting from manager and fired employee perspective. I couldn’t drink enough in the shower later that night when that’s how the company chose to fire 1/3 of my team. TBF, I was only 2 rungs above the people who were canned without warning, and I myself was without

Space Force is literally a branch of the DoD now. How it was created doesn’t much matter. Is the Army National Guard livery a political campaign for the Mayor of Salem Massachusetts?

Are you suggesting Space Force is a political campaign?

I say entertain his power of attorneys, have the judges and DAs plead down to arbitrary charges in exchange for cooperation, and since he has power of attorney over all of them, and their actions led to criminal behaviors, he’s run counter to RICO. He is a crime kingpin and should be sent to SuperMax.

Launched a designer and saved a brand. Lincoln was ready to go the way of the dodo.

Lamborghini Miura... creating the very definition of supercar that many still hold as gospel. Mid-engine, V12, RWD, etc...

It’s been Deadspun

It’s in Massachusetts, that’s a rotary. Not a circle, not a roundabout, not an exchange, a fucking rotary.

I was and drove/drive a manual.

Prius is an excellent starters’ car. I have a 16-year-old and we live in a county where the average HHI is almost $180k, so I’m not looking to compete with other parents on who can buy what, suffice to say the parking lot at the HS is more than a few electrics, specifically hand-me-down Teslas.