Camry, not corolla. 2.4L.
If you’re going to play pedantry, don’t misunderstand your own argument.
Sure, but ‘stewardess’
Mixing up countries in addressing someone is different than using an anachronistic term that denotes gender bias in the first place to someone who is significantly more qualified than the title uttered to speak about the literal hearing she is sitting in where she will be providing her expertise and information.
Female pilots?! What’ll they do next?
Stick with me here... The malice isn’t in the intent, but in the ignorance of the assumption.
The key understanding to Tesla drivers is the draw for them to the car was that they wouldn’t have to drive it. That alone.
Make sense considering if anything goes wrong, we’re fucked.
You see it all the time in the US. A student graduates and starts working, they buy an entry-level SUV. They have one kid, and immediately put themselves in significant debt for as large of an SUV as they can afford.
Having driven them, for a long-distance cruiser tyou can do a lot worse. The stereo was articulate, it was quiet and smooth, and it behaved predictably. No one was seeing these as a sports car, it was always a cruiser.
These and the Acura TL were pretty popular in my neighborhood in NJ when they were new. Not Ford Explorer popular, but I surely thought they were bigger sellers because of how many neighbors had them.
The Q45 from 1990-93, I believe.
Fuck me, that felt personal.
I think among the key things here is that this was a GM-partnered company used the factory of a 20% GM-owned brand to make the Axiom, a word meaning a statement accepted as truth.
As a Class of 2000 graduate, let’s not forget the man-babies who basically killed Woodstock thanks to fire and untreated anger issues.
This kind of stuff is for unpaid interns. Did NASA run out of those?
Not to mention a 1992 Mazda MX3 was the vehicle that had its horn removed Because Racecar, which kicked off that whole meme.