Lots of Volvos among daily drivers, and then stupid shitboxes at night when the libations are flowing?
Lots of Volvos among daily drivers, and then stupid shitboxes at night when the libations are flowing?
If you want to compare states for fatalities, look at road type, age of vehicle, and emergency response time.
“Both absolute well-being and relative position seem to matter to people. Our evidence indicates that positional concerns are extremely important. In our survey, half of the respondents said they would prefer a world in which they have 50 percent less real income, so long as they have high relative income.”
There’s a sociological study of Americans graduating college that had them answer what they would prefer in a job as far as compensation.
Dude literally made his money selling common sense or other people’s advice in books to people with money trouble who are trying to get out of it. His popularity is from people who are doing better than others to listen to how bad they have it.
Don’t kink shame.
So anyone who has their weight wrong, or dyed their hair, I assume they’ll get caught up in this too?
Apparently, “Muh Freedoms” now include others’ choices in how to dress, present, and live as well.
“Some stores will discount the car enough to offset this fee.”
Fair, I’m thinking more Salem and Cumberland
It still is. But I had to leave some space for South Jersey and the rural parts of Sussex.
Detroit > Tampa Bay
Yeah, we’re not timid enough in NJ to be annoyed and not say something. Within 2 minutes of that conversation, horns would be used and people shouting out windows would start.
Living in NJ, 0 of this applies to us, except, don’t park at the pump.
Was it an Audi?
My issue with the Leafs is the same issue I have with the Dallas Cowboys. Leafs fans and Cowboys fans for decades walk around like this team this year is going to be the one to finally break through. They pay crazy salaries across the board to their stars, they pay ridiculous fees to coaches and facilities that are…
What if they were yellow instead of black?
I’ll be honest, it looked better in the car. I mostly appreciated the warm colors and clean layout without doing anything too bright and garish that interfered with your night vision.