Literally all of the original SUVs were 2-door and convertibles.
Are you suggesting then that an SVT product, lowered 3+ inches, shod with stiffer suspension and Bilsteins, with 12" of z-rated rubber patches at each corner, GT40 tuned 351 V8, wasn’t a performance vehicle?
John Coletti deliberately chose the frame rails from a 4wd F-250 for the 2WD F-150 to build rigidity in the frame for handling. It pulled a .90g on the skidpad, which in 1993 was right there with some of the better cars from Europe. So, yeah, it was built to be an all around performer.
But Erin Andrews escapes to the QX50. Advertising doesn’t lie, right?!
At least the Ion, SC, and Clubman doors opened the correct direction, as a clam shell. The Veloster is just a portal for small children or bags.
Which Scion?
I’m a millennial.
Everyone suggesting Mazdas in the comments have no idea how quickly Mazdas rust out in salty winters like MI. They are the first to do so.
To borrow the thought from Michael Bolton:
I watched this on a flight home from London in November of 1990. My 3-years-younger brother next to me getting way too into the film when Cole completed the pass to win, my brother leapt from his seat and shouted ‘YES’ so loudly I think the passengers upstairs in the 747 heard him.
You see him reach up to turn on the lights.
Patton Oswalt’s takedown of that song is required listening.
Pizza should cost whatever it needs to cost to deliver to the quality it should be.
Hey, two Rogers don’t make a right.
The TRD Sport is typically more than just an appearance package.