
This is a you problem, not a Caitlyn Jenner problem.

I’ve never wanted a USB drive so bad.

I hide all my deepest darkest secrets in my tampon. I know they’ll be safe from prying maneyes in there.

I might have been embarrassed as a young teenager, but geez. Grownups, and all that. We pee, we poop, we bleed.

I promise to do all I can to kick the shit out of option B.

Or... learn from what she says here and do better next time.

Major love to everyone trying to kick the shit out of option B, every fucking day.

I lost my husband around the same time - I’m 38 and my husband was 40. I am not as eloquent as her - all I can say is its hell, a pain I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Its not one day at a time, at times its one minute at a time. But at the same time, I am amazed at how many people have been there for me and it gives me

I swear, people who do not move out of the way of ambulances make me want to scream. Someone could be in that ambulance dying and a few fucking seconds could make the difference between whether they live or not and all you fucking care about is where you are going. Every time I see an ambulance here I see some asshole


Dear Sheryl, if my mother was here, I believe she would tell you that you will feel pure joy again. It will shimmer in a slightly different way, but there will be joy.

Oh man, I WEPT when I read this on FB this morning. Especially that last line

“But I want Dave. I want option A.” aaaand there goes my composure. This is terribly sad. Glad to know he was so loved, but there is little else that’s good in this.

“When people say to me, “You and your children will find happiness again,” my heart tells me, Yes, I believe that, but I know I will never feel pure joy again. Those who have said, “You will find a new normal, but it will never be as good” comfort me more because they know and speak the truth.”

Right? That’s exactly what I thought. The other day my husband came home and started singing the Golden Girls theme song spontaneously. It was ridiculous, but I can’t imagine not having that kind of ridiculous in my life.

I hope she can feel pure joy again- it seems terribly unfair for that to be taken away forever.

holy mother fucking shit balls.

This is so so beautifully written and expressed. The option B part had me crying. Good for her for being so strong and for being so open. It can only help.

HOLY FUCKING CRAP that is some holocaust levels of malnourished looking.

I bet Eva Mendes is pretty upset right now.