
I am doing my PhD currently. I said "neuroscience on gender", and there I really do believe that the very vast majority is based on sexist beliefts, see e.g. "Brain Storm" (Young) or "Delusions of Gender" (Fine) for such an analysis. It would take quite some space to explain all the details why that is, but

I do neuroscience, and 95% of neuroscience on gender is deeply, deeply nourished by sexism. Just saying, its not that black/white. Both are belief systems made by humans and hence full of sexism, racism etc.

Thanks for that article. Unfortunately I know this topic from personal experience. In my case the guy in question is an extremely weak human being, and his behavior towards me and his generall macho attitude are means for him to make him feel stronger and more powerful than he sees himself. This same complex which has

its not comparable since men suffer in the same way by having their sexual activities published - they can brag with it. And if men don't want to have the impression that "women hate men", maybe they should stop doing shit to women? What about that?

So what? There are plenty of studies on women and girls who have been raped but justify it with "oh well, that's just how men are"

plus he did not use a condom without her consent - in Sweden that constitutes rape since it's one kind of penetration not both parties have consented to

10000% agree. This argument is brought up so often against immigrants in my country, yet the fact that it might be a phenomenon which is dependent on education and wealth rather than country of origin is entirely left out. And people believe it - I don't know why they do, it's so obviously BS it always frustrates me.

That's not true because sex worker do not induce damage on anyone. The argument regarding sex work is based on the belief that women who are sexual/sexually active are worth less. So your analogy does not work here. I tell if anyone would do anything to my younger sister I would not be rational anymore. I also know

1. that you are an MRA follows from your definition of privilege

The laws that define a patriarchal capitalism I guess you mean. You ignore my arguments since you havent an answer to them and put words in my mouth I havent said. Sorry, thats not a good basis for any discussion.

its not the kind of shit that makes people mock feminism, see my explanation above, thats just a silly excuse for being sexist. And, yes, Im sorry, I would want it differently, but I just dont feel sorry anymore for men behaving this way. And as for jail, how big is the chance, really?

hm maybe thats different in the states or other countries, I was thinking about europe (where there is basically no link between higher education and religion). But its definitely a complex and interesting topic.

Wow. You are in all seriousness calling him a victim as if he has done nothing wrong. And you think men lose their privileges in such a situation because they feel "physical pain and bleed" does not make it seem that you understand the concept of privilege really well. Privilege is not about single people not having

The patriarchy doesnt, but its not like he hasnt done anything, right? I also did not talk about the "right" to do so but said that I dont feel empathy for him. I dont. I would maybe if men wouldnt be so abusive of their privilege, but well.

where did I say or implied that? I said I dont feel sorry for the guy as I would feel sorry for a woman, since we live in a patriarchal society and he is profiting from it while she isn't.

That was an easy one, heh? Feeling better about yourself now? Well, it's good you obviously don't have the inclination to hurt another person because of their actions neither.

A comparable situation would be a woman experiencing this in a oppressive male hating matriarchy. That and only that would be a comparable situation, and I feel very much for the oppressed. I think it's *your* comparison which does not hold because all the other conditions are not equal.

fuck off idiot

sorry was not aware you are trolling, I even put effort into an answer but as I see you ignore the argument and resort to some "men are having it hard too" BS. Poor, poor men. Must be hard, all the weight of the privilege

Your argument does make zero, ZERO sense. Would people go around and say "Oh I wanted to be anti-racist, but now I met an anti-racist who was aggressive and I decided to be racist from now on"? Doesnt, right? So why should someone not be feminist because of some samples he/she doesnt like. Its pure excuse. Fuck that