
I really cant take it anymore. Im not saying all women are angels, but there is not this level of systematic and normalized shit. Of extremly abusive behavior being normalized on every fucking level: In science ("rape is just evolutionary beneficial ahahahah"), in everyday life, in relationships, in movies, in

It's not the shit this guy did? Really? I see, he was not humiliating her with putting private material online, and she was fully consenting. You're right he should get a medal and obviously it hasn't anything to do with the overall sexism in our society.

Because I've really had it. I've experienced so many fucking borderline assault sexual behavior from guys - "decent" nice guys, mind you, who just love their privilege so much that they treat women like objects they can penetrate as they like while not giving a fuck about how she feels, or who enjoy sexual

It did not "get to the internet". He filmed her without consent and then put it there, probably to humiliate her/brag with having "fucked" her. Sorry, big difference.

why? he acted - but she just reacted. not quite the same thing. anyone doing this to me, you bet Id punch him in the face at least. AT LEAST.

sorry maybe Im an awful human being for not feeling any empathy with this guy. But seriously, all the fucking shit men do to women, all the fucking incidents of men not giving a fuck about respecting women and having their consent. Fuck you. He lied to her and then published the video. I dont give a f about his penis

Right? "Punch me" tattooed over it with white ink.

I am doing a PhD currently and I've seen so much BS. Though usually they should do so, that's true

Of course. Stupid people on both sides, no question. Im too lazy to search for the source. usually I always quote, but I remember they said 9:1 for online harassment etc. .. and its almost midnight here and I am just hanging around..but it was a recent study so maybe if you google for it you find it..

Interesting. I actually have some sympathies for Judaism, as far as I know its the religion where education was always deemed important for women too (though your story shows another side, and I also know that the orthodox Jews are partially very misogynistic), also, many of my favorite scientists were/are jews (guess

I can actually confirm your experience from another part of the world: In Iran, religious leaders HATE it that more and more women are getting a higher education, since supposedly it's going to make them "immoral" (speak: possibly inobedient sheeps or no sheeps at all)

I did not say "he would never do it to a man". I said that women experience it *more*, and that is generally true. There are quite some studies about that, and the most recent one I read was a 9:1 ratio if I remember correctly (it was an analysis of online comments)

do you think this phenomenon is especially true for this religion? I know that in Judaism education is hold quite highly, so maybe it was incorporated into the religion long ego in such a way as not to be in opposition to uncritical thinking?

cool, may I ask what that church is? sounds nice

yes. that sounds like chivalry. though it's also specific to women in this case, since women experience condescending remarks way more than men do

can this guy walk in the streets without anyone punching him in the face? seriously guys, what has happened to democracy in america.

true, but thats a bit of circular explanation, no? Higher education => bigger time spent with science. It's like saying the reverse: More time spent with religion will make you less likely to have a scientific worldview. It's just two competing worldviews, so to some degree they are exclusive. no?

yes. as much as I love science, I know many great religious people and although I don't agree with their views, I can imagine that there is as much of a big gap between educated and less educated religious people.

yeah I did not want to come across as smartass, it just struck me as the most plausible explanation. But I agree that the correlation/causation issue is an important one, also very much so for people dealing with topics of social sciences (racism, feminism) since the data needs lots of interpretation..

"Overall, not believing in God seems to make people and their offspring more tolerant. Less racist. Less sexist. Enviro-friendly."