
Don't get why is constantly called a douche...don't agree with everything he says, but he seems to me to be a really genuine person

isn't that a bit of the "trophy wife" attitude also soccer players have?

That explains his attitute. Often equalitarian men have had an emancipated mom as a role model...and yes, it feels really like we are still in the middle ages that people are so upset/surprised by him having a female coach

yep, exactly what I am thinking too. It plays exactly into the traditional view of "manliness" which is defined over sexual dominance and potency. Bieber is supposedly not a "real man" and hence must be "dickless". As always with sexism the insult also implies that women are worth less and a man who is not "a real

yeah...and the womans posture seems to say "ooops!hihi! I'm getting sexually harassed"

maybe I am being too optimistic, but it seems to me that there is quite a shift to more female representation on the screen just in the last couple of months/years..still a long way to go, but lately there was quite some change it seems

I was almost scared saying that, but the "haha in reality his penis is small" jokes...idk...

appreciate your view but look at some of the replies Im getting...

if you are ethnicentric then pretty sure.

yes, because I am just lacking a sense of humor thinking about my experience as a foreigner, when everything which belonged to my cultural background - our habits, our language, our food, our names - was "weird", "exotic" or "funny". being white must be so relaxing.

ok he is a scumbag - but why do you think it's funny to make a joke about a name because it is foreign to you/means something "funny" in your language?

this person is so fake and so awful.

kevin bacon so hot. so so so hot. mmmm.

if you look here:

I understand your point. I also don't want to neglect that you have control and I don't see women as "victims" neither, and anyway it's complex and I can't obviously speak for anyone and certainly don't have one unchangeable fix answer. Still I believe the power is given in a context where a woman's power is her

I live in a country where prostitution from age 16 was legal up until last year. On my way home I had kids in the winter in their underwear in the streets who did coke to be able to stand with so little clothing outside despite the cold temperature - for hours, and whose pay was getting worse and worse because of the

yes, agreed :)

"Free choice"..right...around 90% of the sex workers here in my country are from the poorest european countries. So much for "free choice".

of course I believe that we should own our sexuality! It hugely upsets me that there is this double standard when it comes to sexuality. But a truly liberated sexuality would be way more diverse than it is now - just look around - all the claims that this sort of sexuality is empowering - yet it is exactly one way of

No, I don't think that women "deserve" to get harrassed, I also don't think that being harassed is the result of women stripping. I think the underlying culture for both is one where women are objectified for mens entertainment and pleasure.