
“We plan to demonstrate in court, undeniably and irrefutably, that bitches be whack.”

Looks good for an alpha build. Glad that the Arkham series has taught developers that games should just be tied to the comics and not to a tv show adapation or movie. 

Only someone born post-internet would reflexively think “It was a different time” is meant to be a balm.

I’m assuming a chocolate dipped and topping adorned banana cost $10. 

Most of my friend’s would consider themselves casual fans. They just don’t care as much as the minutiae or the lore. They follow what’s going on, because really,even though the movies/shows don’t spell everything out, you can still follow the A/B plots without having seen the ground work laid for them elsewhere.

The Obscure Transformers Website is pretty awesome. (Not updated since 2003, though... damn, that’s 20 years now.)

This is exactly the kind of deep Robots-In-Disguise knowledge that I come here for.

There is some precedent for the Space Bridge being an actual Transformer in its own right — Spanner, from the US Marvel comics, was forced to build the Decepticons a Space Bridge before having his body forcibly integrated into it.

Form feet AND legs!
Form arms and...mmm, impressive torso!
And I’LL form...the perfect ASS!

When I was a kid, I almost had all the five action figures you needed to combine to make the Bridgertron.

The plant I work for just celebrated a record setting first half of a year.

That little piggy should just go Whee Whee Whee all the way home.

I read it as a memory: Bruce could be full of himself, but he was well-liked by the cast and crew. Cliff decided to be a jerk and a bully for his own sake that dayy, and that cost him that job and many more in the years since. (Also, because everybody on set knows he is a murderer.)

There is also the idea that these white dudes of that era were assholes to him and he was just giving what was received.

None of this is too surprising, we all know Tarantino loves to play the heel.

He definitely should stop toeing the line.

These puns are really toeing the line.

It’s true. He has some sole searching to do.

If there's any footing involved, he'll be there.

“Sucrose Father” in an alternate dimension.