
Like Virtuosity only terrible?

“So we spent money to get this thing that was going to make us money. And now we have less money because those other people didn’t give us money ... we now need money, so .... what if we sell this thing? That would get us some of that money back.”

They don’t but what happens is the end up gutting both to leave barely one functional HR team. Its what happens to Marketing, IT, etc. All the back office roles are ‘synergized’ but the cuts go so deep that folks are left working 2-3 functional roles.

They already know whats next. a good chunk of them are about to be joining 10,000 other poeple who got “restructured out” while Randy Pitchford makes a couple dozen million dollars out of the whole thing

Slow down, there. This ain’t Lady Lessons at the Philadelphia Cotillion.

Told y’all that Uber was designed to be the thin end of the wedge, to destroy consumer and employment rights. None of you listened to me, kept on taking them, so they became “successful” enough to spread their model to other industries. Will you please, now, stop taking Ubers, and please skip Wendy’s and anyone else

It’s important to note, I think, that it’s not parody. Spaceballs is a work of parody - it has affection for its source material while poking fun at its inherent ridiculousness. Starship Troopers, as a genre piece, is exactly what it says on the tin. It is an over-the-top, absurd sci-fi action flick, it is not

Based on their SEC filings, wages/compensation are only approximately 20% of Mcdonald’s operating costs. If you restrict it to hourly workers (i.e. excluding managers and upper management) only comprise 8% of McDonald’s operating costs.

I mean oak trees ARE brown afterall.

Turner D. Century looks forward to viewing this motion picture at his favorite nickelodeon.

Give me one good reason why she couldn’t be played by Stan Lee’s wife again!

I read PWB as “Peanut with Butter” in my head

It's a good show, but I kind of feel like I would have preferred PWB's version. The humor doesn't quite work and I'm not sure why. Atlanta is one of my favorite shows of all tim but I had a hard time connecting with the characters here. 

This particular bug has been known for decades...

Maybe it’s the other way round, toxic XBox fandom is good because it keeps the nutjobs from focusing their energy on a religion where they could do some serious damage.

Attorneys: “This is gonna cost an absolute boatload and there’s no chance we’ll win. Let’s do it.”

It took this guy 20 years to figure out that a $200 billion megacorp doesn’t care about people. Truly amazing.

“We’ve been fighting this war for nothing.”

The only justifiable reason for taking a console/format war seriously is if your paycheck literally depends on it.