
Brainiac is shown capable of simply freezing and killing the Squad anytime he likes. It appears his motivation is simply letting things sort out and controlling whoever is left. 

It’s literally the Ultron logic of 60's comics. 

What you say we go get thrown out of an Applebees? 


He’s got nothing on me fucked up both my cars this morning. 

This is a real comment for real times.

This right here. There are people cursing each over this fucking game that might have pokemon.  What the fuck have they done to us? 

I sound like I have an opinion on a message board. As long as these properties make money, (companies like money), don’t expect a corporation to care about anything but that. Expecting anything different makes you sound naive.

Just like comics they have a fan base that is never happy with anything new, but it’s hard to figure out what is good or not because they shout everything different down while another half of the fanbase is vocally upset about too much fan service. It seems like a can’t win but they all make a bunch of money so in

The greys telling me I have to think like Alex Jones or I am not “thinking for myself” is fucking gold.

Now playing

He believes it so much it’s been remixed.

You don’t remember that Misfits song about bootlicking Nepo fascist politicians and how that’s what punk is really about? 

This I have a million hours in games like CiV5 Because I would walk away for hours and come back.

All this. Everytime I started to have fun something would literally kick me in the nuts, all the ammo but the one I need, all the resources but no space to store it...

How you know?

More stars for this genius.

You have now. I watch the stuff that looks interesting. If it’s not I stop watching it and watch something else. Huge comic fan Marvel tattoos even but not every project that says Marvel has to be consumed. When something looks like I wouldn’t like it I don’t watch it. I know your comment is a lot of internet

When people from Elgin and Schaumburg think you are the BFE that’s rough, why I come before you good people tonight with an idea. Probably the greatest—Aw, it’s not for you. It’s more a Schaumburg idea.

Well it’s not really that simple, sure for this case just printing as many as people want is fine. But for card in the actual TCG, and this applies to ALL TCG’s the scarcity of cards is the point and needed. Say you have some super powerful card, well you don’t want EVERYONE to get it from booster packs since that

They don’t they give it to the branded sports orgs that exclusively license to EA. Even socially acceptable addiction will be exploited endless where ever possible.