
If he was such an “abuser” its highly unlikely this child would be an habitual offender of whatever rule she kept breaking.

Wait. Just.....wait.

That is a lab coat. It's just made by Ralph Lauren.

Betcha they rethink doing these reports from now on.

Egggzzzackly! If you take a poll I can guarantee most of these motherfuckers are not even in a damn relationship.

He IS NOT just another player. He IS THE FIRST openly gay player!

Are you typing this from beyond your grave or some shit?

In your mind is a very simple's been fun, but the real world is calling soooo I must be leaving now.


America is definitely for Black people.

Tell the truth. You grew up playing with white Barbie dolls didn't you?? For real... Didn't you? lololol.

Laughing out loud. See Gloria, inside of all that bullshit you foaming at the mouth over.....there are only a few things that are clear. You don't know SHIT ABOUT OUR CULTURE.

Wowwwwwww!! Lmaooo!!Ok.. Ok.....

So wait....just wait. You came into a thread I was having with someone else and decided to lead your rant off with some shit I supposedly said about you from an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT THREAD? Possibly even an entirely different post all together?????

You're right. I might not be good at "this".... but I definitely know one thing...

That's EXXXXXAAAACTLY what the fuck I thought!

1."You know, it is fairly easy to look up someone's comment history before you make a fool of yourself"

Ann Arbor was the very first city in all of the United States to pass gay rights legislation. Back in the 70's.


I understand that completely. But Stephen A's & Whoopi's message wasn't speaking to those women. So it's no point in pretending they were. Whoopi said if YOU HIT A MAN do not be surprised if he hits you back.