Leslie Jones needs to take a seat. Stop your shucking and jiving with your minsrel ebonics act. It’s infuriating and nauseating.
Leslie Jones needs to take a seat. Stop your shucking and jiving with your minsrel ebonics act. It’s infuriating and nauseating.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the pool...
Katie Ledecki is racing in ten min!!!
Unpopular opinion: Lindsay Lohan is full of shit. Let’s be logical and realistic here. She has a track record of acting out in her past relationships in the exact way that she apparently did in this one. There are plenty of videos out there of her flipping out on Samantha Ronson and pulling the same kind of immature…
She did tweet, “Lindsay lohan labour pains trailer – I am pregnant!!” with a picture of a poster of her movie Labor Pains. That’s what Michael was responding to. Who the hell knows...they’re all just messes.
Nope. And the guy looks like he developed a bad... terminal illness.
Man. Girls aren’t real. They’re just something made up to get people to buy cars.
You forget that modern liberalism is about hating everyone who disagrees with you or follows laws you disagree with. Also believe every single accusation regardless of proof.
Then tell me where her claims have been tested and found to be true. It is not being a rape apologist to not blindly accept all accusations as true. I'm not saying that she is lying, but having one case involuntarily dismissed and another voluntarily dismissed does not inspire confidence that she is telling the truth.
Maybe Kesha is lying.
How is it that she keeps losing in court but no one questions the credibility of these claims?
She’s Dr. Luke’s lawyer. Saying the Plaintiff’s claims were meritless is a pretty tame and nice way of handling this situation. Any even moderately competent attorney would say something similar, if not worse, upon a Plaintiff withdrawing high profile and serious accusations/claims against their client, and if a…
for vigorously defending her client??
I’m suspicious of your suspicion.
I’m explaining what I think his argument is, not agreeing with it. I’m not defending him at all.
I think his argument is that he had consensual sex with a woman and that she “changed her mind” and reported him for assault, and instead of approaching the matter “objectively,” they unfairly chose to believe the female victim and kangaroo-courted him because of said “pro-female, anti-male” bias. I.E., they only…
They tried to make me go to the Amy Winehouse foundations recovery house for woman addicts, I said go go go.
The accountants I know, and I know quite a few, are similarly very funny and, depending on their sub-specialty, very jaded, because they’ve seen it all.
I feel like the garbage day part is just an homage to Flight of the Conchords’ “Business Time”.