She’s definitely got slimed.
Muslims are more outraged about this then when that guy ran over all those people . Muslims love to see bodies draped in all black on the beach.
Can we add kini to all our cothing: shortskini, pantskini, suitkini, summer dresskini, Coatkini, evening gownkini, Trouskini, etc..
Why is that all bisexuals are really good looking bella, evan Rachel wood, Kristen Stewart . They’re usually very thin, pale and attractive. I think it’s because everyone wants to have sex with them so they have so many options they get confused. It’s like baskin robins with the 36 flavors too many choices ( I usually…
The point is not that their liberal. If you read the story there is a bald bearded man changing and showering in the girls room.
That’s not really true. The transgender person comfort is being put ahead mine. They are more comfortable using the changing room they want. I’m forced to use a changing room with a person with different male/ female gentilia then mine, they have a chose , I have none.
Why am I intolerable, I just telling you how I felt? And I didn’t ask for the person to leave I removed myself . I have just as much right to feel comfortable as anyone else.
Who said i was staring , I wasn’t staring I went out of my way to avoid them, i moved lockers as i mentioned .
The bathroom thing doesn’t bother me. Because people just go in and close the stalls and do their business. But recently I was in a public pool changing area and there was a transgender walking around and I felt awkward I’m sorry. I mean it’s always pretty awkward and I usually change as fast as I can but I’m going to…
What year is this ?
Lochte was right they were robbed. They were drunk, went to the gas station to pee , couldnt get in so they peed on the wall. We have all done this. then “Security” comes pulls a gun on them and demands money.
Lochte was right they were robbed. They were drunk, went to the gas station to pee , couldnt get in so they peed on the wall. We have all done this. then “Security” comes pulls a gun on them and demands money.
Yeah you fine.
Didn’t see this ashley olsen/condo relationship coming. whatever happened to predictability ?