
“Birx’s “urban areas” dog whistle couldn’t be louder, but viruses don’t care about coded language.”

Incognito mode (or whatever your browser’s equivalent is) usually let’s me skate around paywalls.

There totally does. And two damn weeks ago the federal government should’ve put out an order that every power company in the country, every water provider, every phone service provider, every gas company sends out ONE bill this month — and they send it to the US Treasury.

It’s probably a situation where there’s a piece of counter top that is removable so you have counter space when you want and a sink when you want. As a person who aspires to have an RV one day, I have looked at MANY RVs online. I don’t think this one could ever be cleaned deeply enough to suit me, though. 

Those miles are almost certainly largely highway.  Nice price.  

...but you can’t slap your name on a building with a tax return! There’s no glory in just paying the bills.

It shouldn’t even be about who is deserving or not deserving when it comes to monetary policy and taxation. Whether Elon Musk is a “good” billionaire or someone like Donald Trump is a “bad” billionaire is entirely irrelevant. I don’t particularly feel the need to confiscate all the wealth of the rich, but it is

Except for the part where they both have detailed plans that are curiously omitted anytime someone says something like this. 

You voting for Hillary in 2020?

For Ariana to go from gushing about Pete in numerous interviews, including Fallon, saying she knew she’d marry him from the moment she met him, at a time she was involved with Mac Miller in 2016, to calling him a “distraction” is hurtful and cruel. First, she no doubt hurt Mac very deeply with that statement. It was

My take away from that is if he was that cavalier about her being an amazing distraction, that he went into hot and heavy then moved on, he’d been seen as a womanizing, emotion-toying pos. Whereas she was being oddly celebrated for it (not explicitly but implicitly, being on the cover of the magazine and all).

It may not be personally critical of Davidson or even inaccurate, but it is dismissive in a way that can be particularly hurtful - especially if his view of the relationship was more serious than hers was.

I don’t know much about this dude, but didn’t he buy his mother that house? Casting ‘bought his mum a house and then tricked out the lower floor for himself so they could have their own spaces but still support each other’ as just ‘lives in his mother’s basement’ seems a bit unnecessary.

Not for nothing, but all of the talk about him “living in his mothers basement” is off base. He bought the house himself, it’s his own house. His mother and sister live with him and he has made the basement section his own section / apartment in it.   

I give Pete a lot of leeway because of his mental illness and the fact that someone with his type of mental illness is not wired to be very self-aware like he’s trying to be. I didn’t find his special very funny but loved his take on Louis CK and appreciate him aiding the discourse on what it is to be a man and an

Looks like Tarantino jokes don’t count unless they’re about feet

As the other victims have already been reduced to being nothing more than “and seven others” who died along with Kobe and his daughter, it is unseemly for his wife to be competing with them for whatever monetary damages are available to be claimed.

I agree. It seems unfair to his family. 

That seems like a terrible solution to her grief, his whole family (successor/estate/family?) is grieving too, and ruining their lives (financially) doesn’t seem very productive, especially since I’m certain she is far wealthier than they are. I’m sure his operating company has insurance so that seems like a better

What exactly is she hoping to get out of suing the pilot’s estate? I feel like it’s in poor taste, when you presumably have an enormous fortune, to sue the (presumably significantly less well-off) family of the deceased, not when you’re already suing the employers of the pilot.