
I don’t know if that’s the opposite exactly, but yeah basically they’re insecure and feel judged for reasons 🙃

That press release is a garbage summary of the book written by somebody who hasn’t read it. Swap “picture perfect” for “seriously fucked up rich whites”, and “enigmatic upending” by “women of color existing within their own narratives in a way that imposes on seriously fucked up rich whites and their illusion of

The capitalist are going to fight back. Would you prefer to have a bulldozer or a plumber in a fight?

People are weird about you quitting drinking for the same reason they’re weird about vegans. At some level they feel ashamed their own choices so they try to mock yours.

Yup. I’m one-drink or no-drink depending on my mood, but one guy at work (who drinks at work), got super weird about me not going for after work beers every week. He was so offended. I dgaf about other people drinking, but some people get so defensive about it when you don’t drink.

I had A BEER this weekend- ONE- and woke up feeling like I chugged straight tequila a la Lizzo.

I should quit drinking. Not because I drink too much, I almost never drink, but because after having a baby I’m such a lightweight that even one glass of wine gives me a hangover. I can’t hang with the cool kids anymore without wanting to die the next day.

You’re totally right. I’d rather have what we have now: poor people dying because they don’t have the “right” to health care.

That's not how it works in other countries that have "free healthcare". Why do you think it has to be that way in America?

I posted this upthread...I howled.  

I saw someone on twitter say “You’re not even the boogeywoman of the view”

We already spend more per capita on healthcare than any country with a nationalized system.

There is also the historical fact that most liberal policies pay for themselves after an introductory adjustment period. SNAP, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid all contribute to the health of the general US economy in a big way, and are worth the money spent (not that Social Security & Medicare cost the gov’t

Also, the AOC Rage on the right regularly reaches supernova levels. I rarely see anyone on the left do more than laugh at McCain. 

When you put facts out on the table it’s really easy to see and process the reality of that statement. I cannot even fathom living, in any city in America, on 40k per year. Why aren’t these facts being regurgitated on an hourly or minute by minute basis by these candidates??? That’s how you get middle America’s

Not when you’re the poster child of privilege and entitlement. McCain is an heiress who has been handed a career because of her parental connections and not ability. That’s the last thing she wants. 

She’s not the boogyman. She’s the court jester. 

Well, did you know that she’s the daughter of the late John McCain??? Did you?!  Just watch the show, she’ll tell you (100x’s).

If AOC is the boogeywoman of the right, it’s because she’s out there actually trying to fight for something better for the whole of society.

McCain described Sanders as promoting the “complete paradigm shift of the American system as we know it.”