
In the linked NBC article about her fake Time cover, they cite one of her alma maters as being University of the Nations: “Chang does not cite any undergraduate degree in her biography, but her LinkedIn account mentions the University of the Nations, an unaccredited Christian school with volunteer teachers that says

Be best!

Shit. I’m sorry you’re going through this. I hope you’re being well taken care of. And you are 100% correct in your comment.

THANK YOU. Came here to say this. There is nothing different about this look except for maybe the water bottle because society wasn’t as obsessed with being hyper-hydrated.

SAME. This house is amazing.

Most of the really old cottages/summer houses on the Cape are like this. They were all wood - inside and out. No plaster or drywall. Wood walls, wood floors, wood ceilings. Many of them were built in the Victorian era or just post-Victorian. And they were dark as hell inside. But so atmospheric and lovely. My family

She was the secondary lawyer for the defense.

Needs more stars. Perfectly put.

YES!! They ALWAYS think they can bullshit you. It’s so infuriating! Like, I am stone-cold sober and I can 1) smell alcohol on you 2) hear you slurring and 3) SEE your eyes at half mast. Just stop. Shit, this thread is speaking to me. lol

YES. I HATE when you make plans to do something with someone and THEY show up drunk or high. It feels disrespectful. My BFF and I have this argument a LOT. After 15 years I have finally gotten to the point where I will just get out of the car or drop him off or close the door in his face and say “see you tomorrow, I’m

SAME. When I read that comment about the eyes shutting just a little my stomach clenched. In my experience, it’s always been paired with the *slightest* smirk. too...with a terrible temper lurking just behind it. So awful.

Agree 100%. At the *very least* the title could have just read “until she’s done grieving her dog”. The word “dead” seems snarky. Of course I always thing that...saying so-and-so is “dead at 76" seems a lot more harsh than “has died at 76". <shrug emoji>

#comeandgetit tho?

Soooooo many. 

I hear you...I don’t think he did. But there was definite and very serious emotional abuse. He *for sure* wants to be able to cover his ass for horrific behavior.

Ehhh... I hear what you’re saying, but my 75-yo father is one of the worst offenders out there. Next to *his* mother and father. Just this past week he talked my drug-addicted brother out of seeking therapy, because “how do we know that psychiatrists know any more than the rest of us?” And he fears they will plant

I think it makes you #basic? At least that’s what my teenaged nephews call me when I post sunset pics...

At the risk of sounding like I stan SJP, I will never understand the constant digs at her. Yes, this one is light-hearted, but still... She actually seems quite thoughtful and smart. She is a voracious reader and champion of independent bookstores and libraries and the arts. And her instagram is filled with little