
I’m glad you had that experience. I have a couple of friends who would say the same thing. But taking it for the sole purpose of preventing a pregnancy (not for the side effects of - if you’re one of the lucky ones - better skin, a regular cycle, easing of PMS, etc.) and being one of the of the many women who suffer te

One thing that resonated with me was how, as women, we are told the responsibility is OURS to prevent pregnancy. But when we DO try to prevent it, we are often railroaded - either insurance won’t help pay or the shitty corporation you work for ‘doesn’t believe in it’ or the fucking pharmacist ‘doesn’t believe in it’.

YES! Exactly. You really get me.

I said the piece had its problems, didn’t I? If you remove the “irresponsibly” at the end, it holds up though.

Ohhh....lol - I was so inspired by you!

Aha. Yes. That makes more sense.

Yes. People think that if young women are not dying of embolisms left and right then “Carry on! Must be safe!” But it can wreak havoc in so many ways. I too had unreal mood swings and rages (sometimes-smashing-things-on-the-floor violent) and headaches that put me in the hospital. I was a nightmare to myself and

Right? Dick sweat is the literal worst.

Exactly! Incremental victories.

Go fuck yourself. I mean that in the most polite way possible.

Just responded to a similar comment here. It is STUNNING when this happens. A real sucker punch from someone you thought would empathize with the fucking urgency of this situation, especially given your own concern. So disheartening.

My new college roommate (had only known her a month) had to accompany me when I was 18. Because my boyfriend of two years said, “I don’t even eat oysters...you can’t really believe I could go with you?”
He was a vegan, you know? So I should have known he was not pro-choice.
YUUUUUPPP. Thanks, bro.
ETA: I know of three

I work with a late-20s guy who is thoughtful, outspokenly liberal, and SUPER progressive about everything. Like, actively trying to keep up with social reform, language, rights, etc. So, when I brought up Alabama last week in a rage (we talk politics all the time), I expected commiseration. I was NOT prepared

Same...right down to it was my best friend who said it. I really struggle with that. Especially since he knows I’ve had one and how much that right means to me.

I don’t even know why I’m replying to you, but this makes absolutely no sense.

I actually got a little teary thinking about the fact that I was on hormonal bc for over TWENTY FIVE YEARS, starting as a senior in high school. Hormones are SO powerful and they affect everything. The side effects that I dealt with were often debilitating (migraines, rage, etc.) and they almost completely ended when

This is a good piece (by a Mormon blogger):

Hm...agree. Fully. That is all. 

Yes - so gross. I learned it in college a million years ago. All the meathead guys thought it was the funniest thing to say about young mothers. <eyeroll>

Ah, yes. The old ‘stitch for Daddy’ routine. Har-fucking-har.