“...check your corporate email inbox or send me a DM with direct person for my team to contact. Pronto!”
“...check your corporate email inbox or send me a DM with direct person for my team to contact. Pronto!”
Everyone else thinks I’m insane when I talk about this. I need to get my ass there earlier so I CAN opt out.
Ha! Oh my god...GREAT article. Everyone should read.
Yes, that’s all any of us can do and it sucks. They are drunk with power. And I’m not even being sarcastic. Same with TSA. I was recently running late for a flight and the security line was out the door and barely moving because there was only ONE person checking boarding passes. I thought aloud “I’m going to miss my…
This is like you going to the office at 8:00 AM, expecting to get off at 5:00 PM like usual, but somehow your job “gets held up for several hours,” so maybe you can leave at 10:00 PM or 11:00 PM, no one knows yet; hope you didn’t have any plans and you’re not tired or anything, because guess what, you’re working late…
Agree, but the hot lunches at school are usually garbage. I’d be willing to bet a sun butter and jelly sandwich is the more nutritious of the two choices, which is sad. That said, this is reprehensible.
Being pissed about seeing her eating and TWEETING OUT A PHOTO to shame her...are just such vastly different things. Yes, we’ve seen justice come to some real motherfuckers who got outed via social media for sexual assault or violence, but this new culture of immediately taking a photo/video of someone who has gotten…
Doesn’t it? I keep my mouth shut most of the time because I get verbal eyerolls when I point stuff out. I work on extremely tight deadlines involving lots of written content, so I get that it’s not like publishing a book. But I mean...geez.
Why are you going to make click this link so that I understand what your nonsensical sentence is referring to?
There are some black people having a barbecue!!!
A vast number of the people now addicted to painkillers were NOT originally prescribed them by a doctor for pain management. Many, many of them started by buying it on the street and taking it recreationally or to deal with mental health / anxiety issues...my own family members included. But I completely agree with…
Seconded. SUCH a fucking failure. I’ve been commenting for a decade and am still grey, but this asshole? Come on, Jezebel. Do better.
Also - nobody likes adults who say “gurgly tummy” (no ‘e’).
Exactly. And it frightens me that some people think this is no big deal and lump it in with another generation being technophobic. Not being able to interact with other human beings is not good, man. Not good.
I love ellipses and I’m not a boomer. And I would posit that removing human interaction from communication is a bigger problem than “those dang kids” that we get every generation.
Eh - not buying it. And I hate people as a rule.
...with nothing but a succession of punny South of the Border billboards to mark the time. “You never sausage a place! You’re always a weiner at Pedro’s!”
PECAN LOGS! YES. I’m getting all kinds of misty water-colored road trip memories now.
We just had a ‘finding common ground between generations’ presentation at work and one of the biggest things the older folks were were told we NEED to UNDERSTAND about young-uns is that they DO NOT WANT TO INTERACT FACE-TO-FACE with other people unless it’s absolutely, unavoidably necessary. Which sounds like a really…
Ditto soft return, em-dash, and any old-fashioned proof-reading redline marks. My assistant once edited all of the “pp.” references I made when referring to multiple pages (pp.73-74), thinking that the second ‘p’ was superfluous and every instance was a typo. And when I mentioned it she told me with an eyeroll that…