
Absolutely yes! There is a difference between a vocal dog and a dog that is sad and lonely and crying. I have a dog that I don’t leave home alone very often...but even for long stretches he’s fine without someone there. He has a perch in a window from which he can look out onto passersby and will bark at some of the

Agree. Except Nicole Kidman’s nose in The Hours was unbelievably ridiculous. If it’s not done a la Shallow Hal, it can be very effective.

I only wish I wasn’t gray so I could bump this. THIS IS SO IMPORTANT AND SO GROSS. Everyone should read. 

She and Rachel Bailey both. She does excel at playing trainwrecks!

I agree. 

I agree. I get annoyed at the editing here at Jez and get crabby about it sometimes. But this is far and away the most gracious response ever. 

You and me both, lady. You and me both. 

“...hence, I assume, why...”

I live in Socal. I know a LOT of people who went to USC. I actively roll my eyes at USC alumni when they flash that that f*cking peace sign/fight on hand gesture at each other. I hate that it’s culty and and super bro-y. I hate every time some obnoxious and entitled dudebro in his new BMW with a USC license plate

His name is Rafael Reyes...goes by Leafar Seyer. Named the kid Leafar too. So...yes.

Aw...my guy always pees on the snowbank after he’s been extricated. I think digging is excellent exercise...I like to bring him to the beach and let him wear himself out trying to dig to China. Win/win cause I don’t have to participate. I can just read a book. lol

Ha! I have a dachshund mix with a similar m.o. - I always feel guilty laughing, but it is the cutest.

But being 12-years-old and having liposuction on your chest is quite a big deal.”  12-years-old?

THANK YOU. I was realllly hoping that those were Pipko’s exact words (even thought the author should have put them in quotes if so), but NOPE.

I can’t. I mean the whole thing is obviously totally ridiculous, but what’s really striking is that she clearly doesn’t know the definition of ‘stammer’?

That hashtag #justiceforlori tho. lolololololololololol

Funny as a soundbite, but *hardly* true. I really can’t stand the “USC attitude” (cult-like and entitled), but know personally of at least a half dozen people who grew up poor and worked their asses off to get into that school. Peripherally, I know of dozens and dozens. These people did not just cheat other rich

Youtube is my #1 passion guys!!!!!!

First difference being that they actually CALL themselves that—regardless of whether they are really influencing anyone— and that it seems to be an acceptable ‘profession’ in and of itself.

Seems like not only the right thing to do, but the best way forward for the USC brand. I scarcely think they can afford another scandal at the moment. They have really shown their collective ass over the last couple of years.