
It’s fascinating. A woman I work with was telling me yesterday that her teenaged daughter is glued to her phone all day watching “amateur videos of people doing things”...like makeup, shopping, unboxing, and crafts. So when this woman noticed her daughter had gone down an hours-long wormhole of soap-making videos, she

* or CSU

You can get the tetanus shot booster within 48 hours of exposure and it will still be effective.
(Obviously, it’s best to go asap, but just putting this out there because I recently cut myself badly at work and hadn’t had a booster in 15+ years so had to get one.)

Kim reached out privately to Matthew yesterday”

Yep. It’s called feeling THREATENED and it is a pathetic display. Strong leaders/managers/directors don’t act like this.

To have something that is such a constant in your life pulled out from under you is SO...shocking, disorienting...it’s a type of grief, really, that loss. People SHOULD talk about it more. When I was younger, I had just started dating a guy I was CRAZY about. We were only a few months in, but I knew I loved him. One

From TMZ: “If convicted, Presley faces up to 6 months in jail and a $1,000 fine ... but the judge will usually cut a first offender some slack.”

I bought this tequila because of the amazing bottle...so glad to hear this about the company! Thanks for sharing the article.

I feel like having a sham casserole recipe is good life advice for everyone!

Nobody is taking it literally. If they were taking it literally, they would tell you to go have that growth checked out by a doctor.

Exactly my feelings. Like, if you don’t cook...who cares? But the question was sort of fantastical (“if you had everything at your <disposal>“) and allowed for a lot of room to appear more human. Food is something humans bond over. This response makes it seem like food doesn’t even compute with her — not even at the

But that’s what ‘growing on me’ means?


All of this is so, so important. I have massive anxiety (NOT an excuse), and it’s worse when I’m getting the run-around at the doctor’s office. I eventually get really snippy with people even though I KNOW I shouldn’t. To NOT do this bears repeating over and over. And there are some brand-new-to-me items on your list

They absolutely are padded. And then the lovely insult to injury is when you get a couple of SEPARATE doctor bills for that time you spent in the ER because their time in not covered in the bill that already floored you. It boggles my mind that this is the state of affairs. Imagine! $10k for dehydration. That’s

I just heard something on NPR the other day about a woman who went to the ER after she was bitten by a stray cat and was charged FORTY EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS for the rabies shot. 48. Thousand. Dollars.

Not at ALL. I always feel like that when I turn conversations to myself, but it’s a way of relating! My big episode was almost ten years ago, and they told me that the hormonal change of pregnancy could potentially REALLY set it off and that scared me to death. I hadn’t really wanted kids to begin with, but that

SAME. And constantly scanning for everyone else’s reactions, since I’m almost always flying alone.

OMG yes!  I had forgotten about that.

Jesus. Don’t think twice about having said you wouldn’t wish it on your worst enemy. I mean FFS.