
We do - bring on the Soylent Green. It’s a shame.

extension chord

Yass! Thanks! The red camo is calling to me.... :)

I’ve been debating buying a pair - I think you may have pushed me over to yes.

That’s one thing I love about living in Socal....save for maybe two weeks a year TOTAL, you can wear any kind of footwear absolutely anytime.

I’m not worried about the government collecting info on me because I’m not a criminal! If you don’t do anything wrong you have nothing to worry about!

Aw yeah, I can dig that. Thanks!

HTF did I miss an HM collab with William Morris?? Frantically googling now.

I love this. Can I ask where the Degas exhibit was? I recently visited Whitney Plantation in LA, because I had read several articles about it being a bit as you described here...the museum and tour are arranged from the perspective of *slavery*...not from the perspective of “beautiful house, gracious times of yore”.

“Sometimes I dress up like a third grade teacher named Deborah from 1983 in Massachusetts.”

YESSS. I have heard so many guys make some variation of that comment. 

They ARE comfy. And not just in a ‘they don’t chafe or bind’ kind of way, but in an *actively feels good* kind of way. That fabric swishing around your legs feels amazing. I look ridiculous in these dresses, but in the summer it’s all I wear cause it’s cool and I’m over proving to the world that I have a small waist

Now see, YOU are making sense. But that’s probably why you’re gray. Well stated.

It wouldn’t fly today. Not for a minute. Gotta have that veneer (and it’s almost always precisely that) of a well-functioning nuclear family. <eyeroll>

I’m sure NK DOES look pretty much the same in person. But her skin has been pulled tighter than a snare drum, so...

I have periodic outbursts regarding this myself. I so feel you. I actually got into it with Laura Brown (Editor in Chief of InStyle) on IG a few months ago. I never comment on posts — really! — but she had posted a shot of Nicole Kidman from that month’s cover shoot with a caption talking about how the image is not

Wholeheartedly agree about the ‘mommy wine’ culture. Also, I have to say brava to you for dealing with kids hungover. When I have been hungover (or when I have a migraine) and I have to even walk my dog, I wonder how people do it with kids. I mean HOW? I couldn’t. I literally could not. I can’t even take care of

“I’m happy for the experiences of my younger days, but it’s just not worth feeling like that the next day, to even have a couple of drinks.”

Careful...people around here seem to really like their alcohol and feel a teensy bit threatened by teetotalers. lol  They’re that way with meat too.

Everyone is not you. I used to drink quite a bit. Then the older I got the more hungover I would get. Now I start feeling dehydrated and shitty during my FIRST drink.