

For some people it’s actually NOT possible to drink without getting a hangover. I’m cringing at all of these comments. I used to drink A LOT when I was younger. From my teens to my early 30s I could drink everyone under the table and still be the first one up at the crack of dawn cleaning and feeling absolutely fine.

And yet...all evidence to the contrary.

You’re super cool. Let’s continue this scintillating convo.


You can get one a hell of a lot wetter than a Kindle and still have it function properly.

I would disagree. Unless you’re the type who gets all precious about it. Mine get a little dog-eared. They’ve got some sand, some smudges, some tea stains. Some have gotten rain drops on them, some have been splashed by salt water. I’m not carrying around first editions ffs. Live a little.

See also: thinking that spending a great deal of time making (what you perceive to be) snappy comments on Twitter constitutes a personality. I would rather hang out with someone who surrounds themselves with books any day of the week.

Tsundoku” — I first understood it to mean the joy and anticipation of having as-yet-unread books around. But wikipedia also includes a quote (emphasis mine): “Even when reading is impossible, the presence of books acquired produces such an ecstasy that the buying of more books than one can read is nothing less than

True also for music, movies, video games, software. I don’t get it. You pay to ‘buy’ it, but then don’t really own it. And can’t lend it? WTF is that about? WHo wants to live in THAT system? Lending/borrowing all of the aforementioned things are one of the great joys in life. :(

Or bring them to one of those give-a-book-take-a-book things? It makes me irrationally happy when I see those around. There is one up the street from me and it’s my favorite thing to do on Sunday morning.

Same. Well, about books making me happy. I don’t understand all of these people who want to claim that it’s “Insecurities Manifested Through Needing To Declare Themselves A Bibliophile”? What? Or that we think owning a lot of books is a personality? I live alone. And have precious few visitors. If I am surrounded by

Amen! And a book is something you can take anywhere, for any length of time. It can get wet, it can get sandy...it doesn’t need charging. Also: All of these a-holes are going to be begging for our books to keep themselves occupied when the grid and satellites go down. lol?

Yeah, I gave it another shot and really like it. 

YES. Have you watched Sex Education (Netflix? Amazon? Can’t remember...)? I watched one ep last night and was just annoyed by the ott puberty mania plotline but the scenes with Gillian were amazing and left me reallllly wanting to see so much more of her character and less of the annoying high school wankers. Has

Eh, understandably so. That sounds frustrating. I’ve just never some across any...at least not that really hit home the way this one did. Do you have any links you could share?

What the fuck are you on about, exactly? I never said anyone made her do anything...never even said she was coerced. I wasn’t blaming the guy. I never said it wasn’t her own damn fault. All I said was this is something that happens a lot...to varying degrees. And not a lot of people admit it. And it would be

SAME. Oh my god I feel you. I have been in even longer relationships with people I could barely tolerate. “...sending him a text telling him that I wasn’t interested was SO hard for me and seemed to defy every law of nature in my brain.” YES. And it’s so weird because, in general, I’m the type of person my friends and

When another commenter suggested/linked to Cat Person the other day, I immediately read it and — unlike anything I’ve ever come across in 40+ years — it suckerpunched me right in the gut. YES. Just YES. She so accurately described the nuances of such situations. I get chills just thinking about it. Literally having

...and what about those of us who USED to have a cousin Kevin but now he’s DEAD? Won’t someone think of us? Implicit bias towards cousins of deceased Kevins.