Are. You. Kidding. Me.
Are. You. Kidding. Me.
Yep! The washcloth does the trick. Sadly, I was not convinced of this until a year ago and I’m 45. :( I have a dozen of them and just use a fresh one every day.
Starred for the sentiment, but he’s only 54 for the love of god.
I once attended an interview with my (ex)boss (a real douche), during which he bloviated on and on about his ‘commitment to sustainability’ and ‘lessening his carbon footprint’. All while sucking down a giant Fiji water. Our potential client ripped into him, asking “and what exactly is the carbon footprint of shipping…
I would add that there are shit tons (scientific measurement) of dangerous ingredients in animal-tested stuff as well. Maybe not stuff that will actually make you drop dead upon application, but do people honestly think all of the shit in our FDA-approved toiletries are just peachy? The vitriol aimed at people on this…
Same! Rest of it - pfffft.
My new mantra to get through the holidays....fingers crossed.
Also whether all-natural or scented. Those scented jobbies have GOT to be worse for you.
Yes! His lips are so close to being the exact pallid shade as his skin...that’s not helping the situation.
How DOES he straddle the line between ‘complete milquetoast non-entity’ and ‘terrifying serial killer who will most certainly take pleasure in your drawn-out torture’ so deftly? Because I honestly am totally ambivalent when I look at this photo.
If it is actually the color from her IG pics, then I’m on board. Anything less bright or saturated would make this a ‘no’. I mostly just love that it’s not a goddamned crystal-encrusted skin-tight ‘illusion’ dress because <yawn>.
Starred for “Dracula on Xanax”.
That you only muttered “hmph” shows enormous self-restraint. I would have fallen out of my chair laughing so hard I was crying. Or else trashed the waiting room in a rage. Depending on my mood....
And each new generation sees it as normal. It’s frightening. People — especially younger ones — don’t value their privacy anymore and that is terrifying. They see it as something to exchange for convenience. No. Just no.
“...referenced against a cachet of images of Swift’s stalkers.”
SO SO beautiful! Very “In the Mood for Love”. :)
YASS. Always hang onto those drapes for dear life! lol