I — in an extremely masochistic move — read a lot of these replies on IG yesterday. Exactly as you were saying. They think it’s god’s punishment for our immoral ways. Truly terrifying ignorance and hatefulness.
I — in an extremely masochistic move — read a lot of these replies on IG yesterday. Exactly as you were saying. They think it’s god’s punishment for our immoral ways. Truly terrifying ignorance and hatefulness.
Hot take! lol
I get it: people love to hate on LA. But it’s usually the ones who have no actual clue about it. Methinks you fall into this category.
I noticed that too — I meant if they weren’t so hipster/twee. Imagine if it were a couple of blue-collar workers with alcoholic drinks, kicking back after a long day.
Yep - DEATH as a result of a UTI in 2018 pretty much tops the “Preventable” list.
Now, now. Rest assured, no self-respecting Angeleno would do this either. And there are plenty of us, I promise!
Also, apparently unabashedly *drinking* on public transit. If these girls looked even just a little different, this story would have ended very badly.
It’s so unbelievably ridiculous. Where is the drawn BUTTER? This had ZERO possibility of actually being enjoyed outside of the narcissistic supply it garnered.
Agree. They should have been arrested (well, asked to cease and desist first, and then arrested if they kept up their shenanigans) and yes, I am dead serious.
Anti-intellectualism. It is real. Has been for a very long time here, sadly.
It’s like how he always makes some rash statement — whether it be something to puff himself up or to denigrate someone else — that is TOTALLY FALSE, and he knows it, but delivers it thusly: “Now, I’m not gonna SAY she murdered 6 people with her bare hands. A lot of people are saying it, but *I’M* not going to say it…
Seriously. It was NON-STOP when Obummer (eyeroll) was in office. Just incessant. Nary a peep when it comes to these assholes.
Oh god, this scene...’yes, but you’ve also made a fool out of me. You’ve made the life I lead foolish too.’ No matter how many times I see it, it’s like a gut punch. i love her.
You were robbed. I hate when that shit happens!
Love my butter bell.
Digital clock on dash. Do it.
1000%. I can’t believe how many people are calling him rude for this. Is it a generational thing? Like, younger people just assume this type of invasive shit will happen so no big deal?? I would be PISSED if someone just started videoing me without a heads-up. He was way more gracious about it than he needed to be,…
You taught me an alternate meaning for the word ‘purchase’ today and that makes me very happy.
Something very similar happened to me once when I was at the office on a Saturday afternoon. It was in an industrial park, so no security desk and I was completely alone in the building. Turned out to be a burglary in progress and I walked myself right into the the middle of it. At which point I literally said,…