All the best people have bad chests and bone diseases!
It’s insane. I was basically called out for dressing more ‘formally’ than the rest of the office so many times that I eventually stopped. Pencil dress and heels were my uniform. People always asked why I ‘put so much effort in’ when I didn’t have to. But to me, throwing on a dress (no nylons) and heels was the epitome…
Didn’t we already do this at least once? Oh, yes. We did.
Seriously. It always annoyed me that while he was dating Grande he acted positively ASTONISHED that an attractive woman would want to have sex with him. <eyeroll>
I think she means romper.
Danvers State! I grew up right near there. In the early 2000s (a few years before your story took place), I worked for a construction management firm that was part of a preliminary development team studying the campus for reuse. Our team’s objective was to keep the historic architecture intact as much as possible and…
Although your story is very specific (and you described it so well!), I was once told by a psychologist that the fear of heights (which I have, acutely) is not trusting yourself to *not* step off of the edge. I don’t have a conscious desire to end it all, but when I’m at a great height can’t stop thinking over and…
Oh! Well, then I take it back. It’s a cute name. :)
I hate their dog’s name. Unless it’s a joke. Mispronunciation of ‘asteriSK’ is a pet peeve. lol
Yep. In my family, everyone wonders aloud why I would want to live someplace where I’m a ‘minority’. (I’m white, live in Socal. Obviously *not* a minority yet, but we’re talking about people who can’t conceive of finding themselves to be the only white person in a room.) Not only do they not want to LIVE somewhere…
SAME. Thank you. People don’t understand this. Work hours should be more flexible.
It is ALL good. This is v. v. productive and good.
I sat next to one on a cross-country flight recently...departed at 6:30am, so I was in total zombie mode and got seated next to some yoga / clean eating fanatic who had BEEN UP SINCE 3 AND WAS HYPERALERT and talking non-stop about her morning routine. She also pulled one of those giant bags of carrots - the like 5-lb…
Seriously. If I read one more piece on someone’s morning routine that includes meditation, setting intentions for the day, journaling, having a tea ceremony, drybrushing, and oil-pulling I will scream. These are generally the same people who say they take a long hike in the morning and arrive at the “office” around…
4 a.m. panic attacks over whether or not the air conditioner is filled with poison spores.
“...thinking I’m either doing the smartest thing by playing along and then getting the fuck out, or I’ve just signed my death warrant and I’m about to be made into a lampshade.” <<<THE BEST description of that feeling! Great story - though sorry you went through it.
Yes. The way he talked about her was - ew. And his last girlfriend was also gorgeous so I don’t really get the “OMG a hot girl likes ME??!?” schtick that he kept going with...
From the linked article: