
Yes. I re-read that sentence half a dozen times and was STILL confused. I think pointing our poor grammar to a writer is fair game.

Exactly! Now, can you break this down for my dad? He might give it more credence if from someone outside of the family. :-/

K people!

Came to say this. <eyeroll>

Yes! SO many billboards everywhere now. And bus stop ads. And I even get physical direct mail from them about once a week now, inviting me to open houses and parties and stuff. It’s like a full-court press all of a sudden...

No, I think it’s bizarre. Sexuality is way more nuanced than that. 

Do all of you live in a world where sex is a series of command prompts asking if you’d like to continue or not? << This, right here. Thank you! Good lord.

When I was just starting out in my career, there was the Petite Sophisticate chain. Yes, some of it was super-cheesy but there were some goddamned good things there that fit like perfection. Like they’d been tailored for me. I was just lamenting the loss of them to a co-worker.

Coconut oil works because IT has a very high freezing temperature. It’s not to thin the chocolate enough so that the chocolate will freeze... It vs other oils is solid at room temp. Excluding butter.

I understand. And I star most of RN’s comments. It’s not an attack on RN. I just hate when I make a comment that Jez should do better and get a “What, are you new here?” pile-on. It’s low-key obnoxious.

I hate when people say “are you new here?”. One could just agree without needing to add that. I’ve been here for about 12 years, but still question things. Yes, I KNOW HOW IT IS. But saying Jez should do better is perfectly reasonable.

Right? I often wonder how these assholes square their maniacal DREAD of becoming a minority race with preventing all women - including the brown ones! - from having abortions. Guttmacher data shows white non-hispanic abortion rates to be a great deal lower than those for black non-hispanic, hispanic, and other

Look, they HAD their fun, ok? More than you can say for a fetus.

Hormonal bc doesn’t “instigate’ a period. It stops ovulation. I would go further to say that the hormones do the exact opposite of ‘instigating’ a period - they effectively stop it. Only when you stop taking the hormones will you have your period.  ??

I grew up on Hydrox. They are better. They DO have a better crumb and they are not so smack-you-in-the-face sweet. I thought they stopped making them! There are 37 different kinds of Oreaos at every store I go to and no Hydrox. Pffft.

I was going to chime in with this. It was so nice when it was discrete and identifiable. Now it’s just a free-for-all shitshow. lol

“oh! tomorrow I am going to want to burn my life to the ground so I should just ride it out and not do that”

I visited Brussels for the first time about 7 years ago. It was in the winter. Our hosts (my traveling companion’s friends) drove us all around the city and countryside for almost 8 days. With Ten playing on repeat The. Whole. Time. I wanted to scream...to crawl out of my skin...to jump from the moving car...ANYTHING

I think hot dogs a re a pretty big choking hazard for little kids. And, as for big kids, someone dies every few years or so while participating in frigging hot-dog-eating contests.

It’s SO distracting! I was at a show at the Greek Theater the other night and someone in front of me had a digital camera out taking pics. I thought “hell yeah” because it wasn’t glowing and distracting and she wasn’t taking a pic and then crouching over her lit screen posting it in real time, looking like that woman