Yep. One that is apparently astronomically high...even (especially?) around these parts. Pfft.
Yep. One that is apparently astronomically high...even (especially?) around these parts. Pfft.
So. Insufferable. SO INSUFFERABLE. That was unwatchable.
I also live in socal and agree. I didn’t eat meat for about 11 years - starting when I was in college. Then I ate it, but not a lot. Then I went through a phase where I was obsessed with the idea of health as it relates to eating massive quantities of protein. That did not work well for me. I never really got into…
I’m not insecure at all actually- I know my worth. I also know the worth of other women<<<BINGO.
There is no conflict between having confidence/self-worth, and being disturbed by someone’s disturbing behavior. absolute FAVORITE comeback. “Your anger says more about YOUR insecurity”. Please.
Well...two of the three anyway.
I’m always surprised at the overwhelming majority of jez commenters who angrily respond to these types of articles with “more bacon for me! don’t come at me with your vegetarian bullshit!” I mean, for a proudly progressive community, it’s really odd. Such a disconnect.
Oh please...don’t you know she spends all of her time lamenting her empty womb? /s
I mean, I get where you’re coming from, but the insinuation that those deaths were somehow worse or more worthy of grief because the people were ‘part of the community’ and not ‘just vacationing yuppies’ is kinda gross. A lot of these comments are kind of gross.
Keep your filthy paws off my silky drawers!
YASSS. This is where I procure all of my undies. And I am not a teenager. The best.
If you like your friend and they like their friend, chances are good you’ll also like their friend.
That joey is pretty much the cutest frigging thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I just want to cuddle him until he feels better.
Replying to myself bc “viola”? lol
Aww...come on. Don’t be that guy.
This is why I don’t understand people who think that there’s ‘nothing wrong’ with the Kardashians. Or who laud them for ‘having such amazing business sense’ or that we should ‘hate the game not the player’.
Every place should offer the salad as the base option, with whatever proteins as add-ons.