
YESSS! “But all families have their problems! Patch it up!” Um, no. Not problems like this. I guaran-fucking-tee you.

“They think it’s a grudge you’re holding” - YUP! So annoying. A lot of people I know send me this every so often as a prompt to “make it right”. It’s like....no....it’s not burning me up at all, actually. Life is far less stressful! GTFOOH with your memes!

But surely there is *something* between glamorous and limping and...this?

Ah, causal sandals. What do they cause? Blisters?

I would think noise-canceling? So the music doesn’t hurt its ears?

Now, I KNOW you don’t mean that. Pitbull isn’t fit to shine LL’s shoes.

Exactly. I bring my dog to daycare as well. It’s all daycare! Care. During the day. For those who need it.

Same. It seems like for him to NOT know means either the pets or he are only peripheral and that’s fucking weird.

Yesto all of this! And thanks for the recco and warning!

I imagine she’s like Soph in Peepshow, since that’s where I first really watched her. She plays dramatic flawlessly but kills at comedy too. Love her.

A loving relationship with your child is something you earn, not something anyone is entitled to.

YES! Yes yes yes. The woe-is-me-I-have-such-a-cold-selfish-daughter stories my dad tells about me are unreal. It takes so much to not try to defend yourself against them. I don’t, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t bother me just a little bit that so many of his ‘friends’ must think I’m a hideous person, when in


Yes! I remember that. Becoming a Red Cross-certified babysitter.

Hm. The very reason I am considering getting a housekeeper is so that I am able to enjoy idle leisure. I work insane hours and have the disposable income to hire someone to take on these tasks because I don’t want to spend what little free time I have cleaning. Idle leisure is not a sin. I don’t think it’s imperative

This is terrifying. What’s wrong with everyone?

Exactly! The irony.

Good luck! That must be really, really scary. I hope you have a good support system, even just in terms of the anxiety of it all! Sending a giant hug.

Eight years I think? And counting. Pfft. Whatever.

...Kanye-esque. lol