
Aw, shit. I can’t imagine. It’s one of my greatest fears. losing my little guy. I’m sorry. Thanks for being such great dog parent. It means so much. <3

The world would be a much better place if everyone was like you. No snark. That’s what community’s about! I wish more people gaf about it...

I’m replying again about Tidy because I can’t edit my above post any longer. I checked out their hiring info and, while it all sounds wonderful*, they do a little ‘case study’ on one particular worker and show her weekly schedule and pay. If my calculations are correct (and my basic math skills are embarrassing, if

Is it...normal for foreign leaders to address the POTUS as “Your Excellency”? Nvm. Googled it. Apparently yes. Sounds weird to me.

Exactly. This is a ‘royalty’ look...not a FLOTUS look. 

people who don’t know how to market themselves and make themselves into a brand.” <<< this.

In college, my roommate’s parents had gotten divorced ‘on paper’ so that she could get financial aid. Everything is so f*cked up. I would definitely do this in the event of a medical crisis.

it’s...not her strong suit.

Exactamundo. And that the label says that people would be ‘shocked’ at how hands-on she is....um, of COURSE they are saying that. The only reason people have for buying her shit product is because it’s a ‘piece’ of her and they want some of that. They would be shooting themselves in the foot to claim she’s got nothing

I tutor elementary / middle school kids and the first day we work together, I always ask what they want to be when they grow up. Almost every single girl says “famous”. Period. I try to get them to identify something - a talent or otherwise - that would be the reason for their fame and they usually have no clue.

Yes! I follow (not sure why) his mother Maye on IG and -- objectively lovely though she may be -- she gives me gooseflesh. That whole family is...yeesh. I don’t know...uncanny.

My mind nearly broke reading the first article about this however long ago. I have avoided the story since (except for headlines) and had daily anxiety attacks just thinking about it. So happy they are out!


One of my favorites is how they drop the ‘from’ in phrases such as “he got so drunk we had to hide his keys to stop him driving”.

Stewart’s gardener once sued her in 1995 for not paying him overtime for chores he did outside of his job description, like washing Stewart’s cars and grooming her dogs. He produced a note that Stewart sent him, saying “Basement smells BAD look for cat poops, change litter. Happy Valentine’s Day.” Stewart won the

“And the groom is one of the more dashing of the Kennedy men.”

I definitely see where you’re coming from and it IS all relative. I would argue that the difference would be in knowing your audience and NOT bitching to a driver of an old Honda that you’re so embarrassed about your Lexus. THAT is the part that I find gross. I bitch about my one-bedroom apartment to my more well-off

...did Suri have a permit tho.

Needs to borrow Melania’s jacket.

Ahhhhhhh! hahaha.