
It’s an enormously stupid thing for a first lady to wear any time, anywhere. Period. It’s for fucking petulant teenagers.

Even if she just wore it on a “regular” day! On vacation! And not amidst any controversy. This is complete madness.

Yes! Just happened upon it by accident and recorded. So good.

What’s with the prominent shot of the landline with built-in answering machine? What year is it? This whole things is so...grim.

What the...? You were not kidding. My head just exploded.

Yes, it comes off as if she’s seeing it SOLELY as a commitment of time. That it doesn’t require anything more than putting in the time.

Would that I could give you more stars for this.

And this is not even as prominent in the news as when Obama OMFG saluted a Marine with a coffee cup in his hand. My conservative dad was ALL OVER THAT SHIT. Would not let it go. This? Not a peep.

Bingo. See also: self-proclaimed ‘iconoclasts’.

Vista Print! lol

“If Dante was able to update his Inferno, this would surely be one of the levels.” lol

It’s a fucking sickness, this drive to amass unspendable amounts of wealth. Disgusting.

Yes!!! Omg I love her. Such a gem. Spread the word!

YAY Lucy Worsley! I love her.

Your first paragraph second question is the reason, and I explained the situation in explicit detail to them, so I really don’t get why they thought I was so out in left field. It’s not like I thought I caught it from a toilet seat. And I totally understand where you’re coming from in your last paragraph. It’s total

About 8 years ago, I had an anxiety-wracked few weeks wherein I was petrified that there was a possibility I could have contracted this. Admittedly, it was nowhere near the riskiest of risky behaviors associated with contracting it, and the possibility was fairly slim, but there was a very good reason for my concern.

I cannot FUCKING STAND when headlines read “____ Dead at <Age>”.

Same. It’s not weird at all.

Oh god, that stayed-in-the-elevator-lobby while she was upstairs with Richard (?) was..oof. Right in the feels. I had forgotten about that. I think you are correct in your assessment.

From WaPo: President Trump’s lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani reportedly said Sunday that Trump could shoot former FBI director James B. Comey in the Oval Office and still not be indicted for it while still serving as president.