Thank you for doing this! May I ask if you went through an organization or something? Did you just sign up with a specific clinic? I know, I should just google. :/
Thank you for doing this! May I ask if you went through an organization or something? Did you just sign up with a specific clinic? I know, I should just google. :/
Oh, well then don’t! She’s almost 30 years old, so give me a fucking break with the age difference thing.
Well, I don’t know Grace, and she may be hell on wheels, but your theory is discounting the fact that there are surely assistants for famous/wealthy people who are complete famewhore asshole opportunists. I know two, personally, off the top of my head.
I’m sorry that you have but 5 stars and appear to be the only one with enough sense to make this comment.
Figure this is as good a place as any to say just because I think she did say it DOES NOT mean that I think she deserved a beatdown from cops. Not in any universe. Those cops are fucking monsters.
I’m not just trying to stir shit. The video I saw was on Shaun King’s instagram...I *could* be wrong (there is lots of extra noise, obviously), but I heard it at the very end and then scrolled down to see lots of other people heard it too. Also, I was NOT expecting to hear it, so it’s not like I was waiting for it. It…
Right? “...with Kanye going through personal financial issues, he could no longer fund salaries....”
She is 100% correct. It’s disgraceful.
Right at the very end before it cuts off (at least the one I saw) she says something like “I’m not one of these n——s out here...” something something... The gist being she’s not some black person that can just be fucked with without consequence.
YES...more people need to read this comment.
Agree. I hate that shit. No, I do not want to see a clip of Bert and Ernie strung out and prostituting themselves, etc., etc. I’m not worried kids will see it. It just seems...deeply disrespectful and unnecessary.
Oh my god, the imbalance is driving me crazy. Why is it like this? lol
Where are you that you think nobody else has said this? The pile-on is stratospheric at this point and started the minute she walked up the stairs to the chapel.
Didn’t Jackie go to her last fitting?? Why is it not restrictively tight??
“Chill and call Lenscrafters” for the win today. lol
As a world, we have been brainwashed by bandage dresses and leggings into thinking ‘the tighter the better’. The dress was beautiful.
Nope. Not even close. As a fashion designer who should have an eye for all of the nuances of the construction of a dress, she should be embarrassed for starting this conversation.
Because every hill isn’t a hill to die on. Sometimes you’ve got to just roll your eyes at the crusty old man, have a laugh at his expense and move on. And, in fact, my being vocal to everyone that it happened resulted in EXTRA “feminine hygiene products” being donated by people who thought it was ridiculous.
These are gorgeous. (*Ikebana)
Yup. Most of my friends and boyfriends throughout my life have just SHUT DOWN if we ever had to discuss anything serious or uncomfortable. Like, they get up and walk towards the door saying that they “can’t do this”. It’s so infuriating. I come from a family of people who...ehem...raise their voices at each other a…