
In no way shape or form did this article claim that sex trafficking of any sort was not a huge problem.

You can mitigate that risk by stealing the phone you then hang in a tree.

Just not really well written films at any level.

Can’t Trump just get out his Sharpie and draw it a new path? 

Sarah Palin is just caping for relevance. This is the most attention she’s gotten since her son went to jail.

Man, LISTEN, the lady that sang the national anthem at the Lincoln Memorial. I have to be honest. I shed a thug tear cause Sis did all of that. Wow. I'm literally blown away and I don't mess with the anthem like that but my goodness. Her rendition gave me hope for what the country could be. That's power. It uplifted

Not sure if you are a Russian Troll or just really misinformed. The American segment is not in danger of breaking up, American astronauts have been flying to the station from American spacecraft since May, and the Russian president is the the one that just tried to assassinate a political dissident. As for “Made in

I always read Innsmouth as a story about a sheltered WASPy guy going to an unfamiliar area and being shocked at the possibility for miscegenation. Like a supernatural version of Nathaniel P. Banks showing up in New Oreans.

I’d also note that having her come from Portland on the show is a nice touch, given that areas propensity for white supremacist groups in the areas around it as well as folks like the Proud Boys organizing there

Some people need to spend less time on the internet. 

Canadian car guy here. Still thought “looks like America, cops believe they just got assaulted by a deadly weapon, hope they aren’t black”

It is part of all cultures, car culture isn’t exempt.

First thing I thought was: lucky they weren’t black

Race, and racism - explicit and hidden - is a part of everything. Including automotive culture. If you can’t see that, or don’t want to believe that, you’re a part of the problem

Like how the guy in the Jeep was like, “WASN’T US!” That’s about the time I’d be pissing myself.

Popular view these days.

For some reason I read that as “Us with rockets” and was very confused.