
What you’re telling me is that these terrorists should have put some stakes on a plane.

The ironic thing I’ve found is that those game fans who are the most vociferously suspicious of print journalists being paid by games publishers to bias coverage, is that these people take most of their cues from gaming youtubers who literally are paid by games publishers to bias coverage.

Hey John, what about the time you were in Paris for Call Of Duty 3, and the police got called because of the Nazi flags hanging visible from the street?

Between this and the Avengers game there is something unsettling about the character design. Like the developers were told to make them look as close to the MCU cast without entering likeness fee territory

lol, for real. Look, these are emails “recovered” from some laptop that appears to have <magically> been left at some right-wing nutjob’s computer repair shop. A laptop Hunter has no recollection of leaving for repairs, a fact “explained” by those invested in its “authenticity” as “common for drug addicts to forget

I would like to learn more about Hennessy rates. Is this really an idiomatic expression? Are they high or low? Compared to what? Is this a cognac pricing scale or do other liquors get involved? Is there a tall boy rate? Does Billy Dee factor into any of this? Many questions... 

Rhodes told the police he didn’t actually have any weapons in his car

Really? Ewe!

maybe they could get it on the Epic game store. 

Considering he hasn’t done it by now means that he’s okay with looking like a moldy pumpkin shoved inside a pair of pantyhose.

He said he’d push for that. Which he has and is trying to get pushed through. The government is not that simple. The Democrats do not have a filibuster proof majority to get the stimulus passed, so right now it’s stuck in limbo trying to negotiate with right-wing asshats who as usual do not want to approve anything


ROFL...neighbors and parents “discovered” the site, huh? Any word on which dad or dads outed her to the rest? Jesus is fine with us LOOKING at OnlyFans, apparently...it’s only the posters who need to be kicked out. You couldn’t pay me to send my kids to a Catholic school. 

I swear a larger group of man babies has never existed.

But you were asking him not to do a dance you started. $2,000. $2,600. Hell, $3,000 isn’t enough: normalized monthly payments guaranteed for a set period of time that could supplement other safety nets would have been the best solution. Instead of having that argument (which, frankly, needed to be circulated with

$600 + $1400 = $2000.

yet all of that is buried underneath one of the clearest examples of how disgusting capitalism is overall.

At an intermediate stage it looks like the old 1997 Westwood Blade Runner RPG. I kind of like it.

Except that employees can’t deduct expenses from WFH any longer. Self employed people can.