
The most impressive thing about Moonfall is that someone wrote this, someone else read it and liked it enough to greenlight it, someone put up money for it, they even got real actors to say all the lines, and at no point in this process did anyone speak up and say, “Everyone who sees this is going to come out of the

I’ve seen several instances of “Freman” in this article. It’s Fremen. Not Freman.

Meanwhile, Call of Duty’s Double Agent mode is also a riff on Among Us, but it looks like they actually DID do what Innersloth suggested and went out of their way to put their own spin on it.

Oh hell yes.

I think anything from that laptop can safely be considered complete fabrication. And, that in mind, I’m surprised that someone decided THIS was the scandalous story they were going to plant.

Now playing

Remember that scene in Spaceballs where they capture the stunt doubles instead of the heroes? This one:

I’ve had the same thing happen to me when I joined Zoom for my son’s virtual birthday party, then forgot to switch it back for my company’s meeting the following workday.

Tim Berners-Lee would be spinning in his grave, but since he’s still very much alive he will need to settle on giving allay’all (ALLay’all) the look of disapproval.

This trailer feels exactly like a Mitchell and Webb parody of an American TV show made by and for idiots.

Now playing

Anytime I see someone employ the “I’m just joking, why can’t you take a joke” dodge, I want to shove Negaoryx’s artful disembowelment of a sexist troll on her stream down their throat. She’s eloquent, her aim is true, and her argument is unassailable. And as if it wasn’t impressive enough already, she delivers this

The Venn diagram of people who were eager to play this and homicidal incels is a circle.

Elite: Dangerous space stations are basically what you’re asking for. It’ll be interesting to see what they do when Odyssey comes out and allows us to finally walk around space stations (and surface stations) with our commanders. I kind of hope they keep the menus but offer the option of doing commodity trading,

That’s what you get for not nominating The Expanse.

Hey, hi there, how’s it going; have you met my pals, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema?

I think my kids are going to freaking love this, especially my son. Dragons, adventure, swordfighting, magic, and cute critters causing comedic mischief... it’s like they created a carefully tailored payload calibrated specifically for his predilections to cause maximum entertainment.

How is this not market manipulation? If I were the SEC, I’d be getting real interested in WSB right about now.

The moment Sanders unleashes her trademark monotone, the energy drains.

Oh good, Cliff Racers.

Gonna be interesting to see exactly how badly Dumb & Dumber have poisoned the GoT brand. Personally, I know I won’t be tuning in. Not like there’s a dearth of excellent TV programs right now (and you can tell by my proper usage of the word “dearth” that I’d normally be the core audience for this kind of fantasy schlock

Did Biden not call the $600 stimulus, and I quote, a “down payment”? Why is everyone acting all surprised all of a sudden? That’s how a down payment works. You pay a certain percentage immediately, and the rest later. The six hundred was the down payment, the fourteen hundred is the rest.