
I was at home in self-quarantine, trying to decide if some questionable leftovers were still good, so I gave them the ol’ reliable whiff test.

Yes, losing your sense of smell sucks. I lost mine 30 years ago due to a chemistry experiment gone awry. It’s not repairable and something that I’ve just come to live with and accept. You do learn to navigate the world a little differently - walk into a shop full of gas fumes? I’m oblivious to it. It’s happened... My

I’m doing all those things from my off grid cabin, but as cabins are wont to be it has some...particular, one might say janky...systems. One of those is the stove, and due to an accidental movement on Saturday I turned on the gas when it wasn’t lit. About 10 minutes later I noticed the smell and turned everything off.

And of course you lose your ability to smell when food has spoiled - which is down right dangerous. I have chronic sinus infections and I’m constantly losing my sense of smell. The only thing I’ve found that helps is Prednisone, and that’s not safe or sustainable.

I have an allergy that- without medication to control it- causes anosmia. My allergist believes it’s related to dust mites, though other aspects of it seem linked to other things. First, it is most serious in the winter (which may be linked to mite exposure). And second, it is triggered most consistently and harshly by

I dunno, there are Sheela na gigs all over England.

Cline previously said he actively worked to make sure it didn’t come across like a sequel to the 2018 movie directed by Steven Spielberg.

Stranger Things is good 80's nostalgia, because it recaptures the essence of things that were good in the 80's. It feels like you’re watching a show from the 80's that was legitimately good and just happened to be entrenched in the culture of the time by virtue of when it was made.

Cline previously said he actively worked to make sure it didn’t come across like a sequel to the 2018 movie directed by Steven Spielberg.

Ready Player One is a very bad book and Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One is an even worse movie.

You say that but any show that has done a call in audience vote has already done it.

Nice, now they have to hire butt ugly actors with awful makeup to stay true to the game’s shitty graphics.

This is the last straw.

Too many people have watched the movie and not read the books. Which I totally understand it is a very dense read. 

My thoughts exactly on clicking it. I lost my base a dozen times when the game launched, so many disconnects and server changing. Add onto that that I could never replace my base if it was more than like one square floor even in the same spot.

“It costs 40 caps...”
But how would anybody know that? I mean, it’s not like there’s anybody playing the game you could ask.

Of course there’s a sex tape...

... because Dune knows it’s not a good thing.

Attractive person has a viral hit on a social media platform, news at 11.