
Fucking amen.

And Boomers have the gall to call Millenials (some of whom are now entering their forties) childish for not being completely enamored with Biden. Warren deserved better and the Dems owe her for ripping Bloomberg to shreds. This is fucking tiring

I think that sadly, the two main reasons for her doing so poorly (was has been a huge surprise for me!) are misogyny and fear of misogyny.

Yeah but you Bernie stans called her a snake and a cunt. Why would she or her supporters join with bernie now after such treatment.. Bernie toxic cult could never unify the Democratic base. He is not a unifier. It’s why he’s never really achieved anything in 29 years in Congress. Except give nice speeches promoting

“Elizabeth Warren has some of the same policies that Bernie has,” Erianna Carlisle, 18, who considered voting for Warren, said after casting her ballot. “I just never connected to her, which sucks. She’s a woman. It would be great to have a woman in office. I just never got that connection with her. I just got it

she faltered because she couldn’t convince people to believe in her...

As a Warren supporter who has been directly involved in her campaign (attending organizing events, canvassing, phone banking, texting, the whole shebang) it’s kind of nuts to see what works and what doesn’t. We’ve knocked on so many doors, we’ve had so many 1-on-1 conversations with voters, and yet none of it seems to

It’s been awhile since I studied grammah, but I believe the term declines properly as Massaulters, Massailants, Massholes.


Did so this morning. 


Wait, all of a sudden *now* we’re going to keep track of and care about people at the highest levels of gov’t making insane statements, or gibberish...?

Oh my god please won’t somebody vote for Elizabeth Warren. I mean, she got Chris Matthews fired. 

As a San Diegan, I am ashamed I did not know this about Dana Tyrone.

I feel like I’m drifting into my own policial sunken place.

All This. Warren just has her shit more together than anyone else. It infuriates me that this does not get more traction.

I think all of the scores were entirely too generous, but otherwise, a great article. Is Tulsi even still running?

You’re as delusional as he is. First medicare is not free. I paid into it for over 50 years and I still pay monthly premiums. I worked for it and I paid into it. I worked 3 jobs going thru college. I saved for my retirement and invested wisely. Now you want to tax capital gains and stock trades.

I don’t like Bernie. I’m really kind of fucking tired of Old Ass White Guys running everything. And compared to Warren, he’s been sketchy with details and numbers on his plans for a lot of stuff. And besides that, his constant blindness to the very important racial issues we’re facing, added to his scummy-chumminess

Dear DNC,