
Liz Warren

LOL, I just know that about now this article is making the rounds among the debate moderators & sponsors (CBS, CBC?). I just know it.

5) Bernie, you snake ass muthafucka, why did you deny wanting to primary Barack when it is on film?

So gee the black woman that had detailed plans for what to do about issues that affect black people drops out of the race and all those issues went away huh? Funny all those “woke” black blue checks on Twitter and TV sure aren’t holding the all Mayo Primary to the same high standards they held her huh? Oh can someone

To be fair, I did wondered why Bolvar couldn’t just command the Scourge to all walk into the ocean or into a volcano or something and then just take the helmet off after that and destroy it. It was really weird how lore wise the Lich King was only created like 5 years ago and then suddenly “There must always be a Lich

Man, this only re-emphasizes how crazy dumb the plot progression is that leads to Shadowlands.

Can we talk about how Elizabeth Warren went full assassin on the stage. I saw the gangster in Elizabeth and I approve. She's the only one I like anyway. Bloomberg realized quickly that nobody came to play with him. We watched that man get ran over, beat, and dragged down 5th Ave and NO ONE called the police to report

Bloomberg found the thing his money couldn’t buy — debate agility.

Is Bernie still in the lead? Definitely. There’s a good 30% of the Dem electorate that will ride with him all the way. But that still leaves ~70%.

To state what is obvious to most people about Bloomberg’s answer: He acts as if there was a murder rampage that he had to address. The murder rate was already at an effective historic low when he took office and continued to go lower following a very clear trend that preceded Giuliani and correlated with national

“Everyone came to destroy Mike tonight. It didn’t happen.

She didn’t just do well because she bodied Bloomberg. She also came with detailed itemized plans of who she will tax, how she will pay for her plans and she is the only who consistently tied economic and social/racial inequality to health care, education, climate change, child care, immigration etc. The only minus was

Oh, you sure got her.

Hi there very real and legitimate Sanders supporter with an account created an hour ago. Thanks for your contribution 

Yeah no, the primary is not over, I don’t need the residents of Iowa and New Hampshire speaking for me.


It’s insane to me to see all these people here writing Warren off when the race hasn’t even started yet. She’s polling SECOND in Nevada, ahead of Biden, ahead of Buttigieg, ahead of Klobuchar, ahead of everyone except Sanders. It’s exactly like you said, Michael: the votes haven’t happened yet, and those are the ONLY

I didn’t know that about Warren’s climate plan. Good stuff. When the whole squabble over a woman being president happened, I was yelling at both camps to stop playing into such a transparent attempt by the establishment to divide the progressive wing.

So are racist jokes.

I pay the equivalent of $13 a month.