
Elizabeth Warren would make an excellent President. She’s not a GREAT campaigner, but if people can see her potential as an executive, I’d be proud to vote for her. 

Warren/Sanders or Sanders/Warren. I’m praying for a super majority so which ever is president can ram through, via emergency declaration and laws, healthcare, student loan forgiveness, affordable housing, gun control, and immigration reform. Don’t worry this can be paid for by reprogramming money allocated by congress

And here’s the thing I don’t hate the ST! I love some of the characters, and some of the ideas, but it was (in my opinion of course) an absolute failure in terms of execution of a story. 

On the other hand almost *everything* with Luke and Leia from the sequel trilogy was a disaster.

>But first, we should at least try to get free.

Why is her “Look at me! I’m white and conservative and safe! **wink, wink**” ass getting a second look at not someone like Elizabeth Warren? And why couldn’t this have been Castro, Booker or Harris?

I’m not sure if the internet has made us dumber or if it just amplifies the voice of stupid people making us seem dumber but it’s disconcerting.

Somehow they will miss

Yes, if only we could find that mythical “perfect Democrat” who would sweep us off our feet and force the GOP to uphold their oath’s and constitutional duties...

So what’s the new plan? Bully him till he says something (else) reprehensible?

I don’t need to know anything but the title.

The single thing I remember about John Delaney is that Warren cut him in half during the first debate and he just sat there grinning like a Silly Putty jack-0-lantern.

Now, let’s be honest here. Even if Fox brought an actual alien out in this movie and interviewed it for the entire runtime, people wouldn’t be convinced.

That alien empire doesn’t need to be 5 galaxies away. It could be in our own Milky-way, only half-way to the other side, and we’ll never know for the next 20,000 years... Our galaxy is big enough.

Even if You were a believer prior to say, 2008, when the iPhone 3GS gave half-decent quality video recording to basically anyone (and other device makers had decent video in 2007, with less reach) I have a hard time believing we’re being visited now given the sheer quantity of cameras that could record GOOD FOOTAGE.

If aliens exist, eventually we’ll know about it.

“Strongly argues,” my ass. Maybe if you don’t have a firm grip on reality. Are there alien lifeforms out there? Most definitely yes, probably a lot of it primitive. Are they in this solar system? The ‘evidence’ so far is mostly from nutjobs. We’re in an age where a lot of our technology and drones appear to be made of

Im just so tired of gamer outrage, that i just dont care anymore. Even though i wanted this, and now dont. Game companys gonna screw people over. Either buy in and risk it, or dont. 

I don’t think it’s Michael’s job to provide solutions.  Maybe if he was a politician?

White Bernie bros blackfishing on the Root are the most annoying bros. How is being condescending to Harriot helping your boy Bernie?