
I agree, I wrote this in response to someone else touting Rian Johnson’s a story teller:

Sounds to me like this movie subverted your expectations, which, I’ve been led to believe, now conclusively means you loved it.

“...character assassinations”

I respect that take.

Nah, it’s in a bunch of the stories, sadly. Read the description of the first reanimated corpse in Herbert West––Reanimator for the most explicit version.

Reread The Call of Cthulu and pay attention to his descriptions of people, you’ll notice that it’s not as separate from his writings as you think.

She does speak some truth though. He was a johnny come lately to the Democratic party, just to self servicingly win the presidency, who then complained that he wasn’t treated like a long standing member. His tepid endorsement of Hilary followed by his bros spouting “Never Hillary nonsense certainly didn’t help her

Oh, and Bernie Sanders’ old white ass saying he didn’t say what he definitely said to Warren’s face is probably the blackest thing that’s ever happened to Warren. 

This is one of the reasons Destiny is bad. Puzzles like this are designed to get people talking rather than playing. The vast majority of the people who play Destiny have absolutely no hope of contributing anything to this. Just the handful of savants who have the time and energy to devote to something like this. They

No, I’ve been covering the development of the series for the past few years.

It’s a problem with a lot of adapted films/shows.

Cheery is now not a dwarf, it says right in the article.

Can you imagine being a scriptwriter egotistical enough to have a copy of Terry Pratchett’s Guards! Guards! and Night Watch to hand and thinking, “No, I’m a much, much better writer than Pratchett. I’ll just use the names and make up my own stuff.” The arrogance of it is absolutely breathtaking.

Yeah, I’ll pass. The Ankh-Morpork I’ve spent so much time in is just barely this side of farcical. I get that that’s hard to nail when you’re telling cop stories about (mostly) murders, but this gritty stuff just doesn’t remind me of Discworld at all.

I like the books, and I’m not going to try to judge the quality of the show based on a few pictures, but I would like to know if their official budget just says

... I think you missed the point of this article. 

Come on Brian, there are kids that read Kotaku.

Maybe they can solve the problem with the birth rates ^^

Oh no! Walmart Liberace will just have to fill it up with overstock on his Rite Aid eye shadow pallets.

Congrats on understanding nothing about her or her policies. After doing extensive research on her, her background, and her ideas, she has my vote.