
Why does she (presumably) hang out on Luna for so long?

Never happen in America.

I can’t help it: I love urban fantasy. Combine that with Pixar, and you can’t go wrong. Also... “I told them about the map, I told them about the gem, I told them about the curse --- wait... I FORGOT TO TELL THEM ABOUT THE CURSE!” I need to use this in a D&D session some day...

“Stolen” *snort*

I’m ok with it on a scale. No one needs 10 billion dollars. The only problem with it is making sure those funds are used responsibly for the good of society and not to line some politician’s pockets.

Honestly it reflects more on Sanders than Cenk. Sanders was supposed to be the hard charging not yield on principals. This shows that he is just as flawed and compromised as the other candidates.

it’s pure political hit piece bullshit..

>Still on board with Warren. There’s plenty of time to rebound...

Still on board with Warren. There’s plenty of time to rebound...

Seems we have a clear case of the Front Fell Off. 

Yes, but then, what would we do without such luminaries as *checks notes* ...Lena Dunham.

Bootstraps I say... pulled up so hard, he hovers over the ground.

Another unforced error was when he endorsed an anti-choice candidate for mayor of Omaha, Nebraska. There was no reason for him to get involved in that race, but he went out of his way to show that he’s cool with politicians who would vote against abortion rights.

Try again, Trollop. Rape culture should be confronted regardless of party. 

“If you read that today, what I wrote 18 years ago, and you’re offended by it, you’re 100 percent right,” Uygur said. “And anyone who is subjected to that material, I apologize to. And I deeply regret having written that stuff when I was a different guy.”

Seriously. The first thing I thought while watching it was “Man, when did I get old? I hate this!” Someone should have told the director that when they attach cameras to actors in real life so that we can watch their face as they perform in in action scene, the entire purpose is:

Wow, I am clearly not the target audience for that trailer. Hope those that are like it at least.... 

What surprised me is Boris fucking Johnson dissing Trump. I thought they were tighter than that. Hell Boris even looks like somebody took a Trump clone out of the tube too soon.

I think the charges that were dismissed were for alcohol and brass knuckles and occurred prior to the murder.