
Imagine having this much energy to be an asshole on the internet for no reason

Casually refers to Dykstra as a ‘whore’.
Implies the only POSSIBLE explanation for this story is a ‘career boost’.
Openly wishes for more porn over truth-telling about abuse.
Concludes the only way to be ‘genuine’ is to 100% confirm his narrative.

Wow, you seem like a pretty genuinely awful person. I was going to say more, but no that suffices. You’re awful.

Go fuck yourself.

You’re a fucking idiot.

“People arent allowed to speak publicly about how someone hurt them because the person who hurt them might get hurt.”

good thing your opinion literally doesn’t matter.

The angry nerds are going to attack Chloe while Hardwick’s comedian and actor friends slowly distance themselves away from the whole situation trying not to give a comment in case this somehow gets swept under the rug. Fuck Chris Hardwick and this horrible entitled nerd culture!

‘80s jocks were right - nerds are bad fucking news.

What the fuck is this? First of all, after the absolute destruction Monique Judge put to Hamilton over that bullshit article, one which he apparently hasn’t recovered from, I’d avoid even inching down the road that Obama’s not performing up to your silly expectations. Do you want to go two and a half weeks without an

Looks so fucking dumb.

You know what, screw it. I’m rooting for the aliens. To paraphrase Jack Nicholson, “This world needs an enema.”

Redundant strapping and clearance area at the bottom (looks like there’s a guy down there filming, hope he got out of the way) for a start.

The point is that without regulations, this sort of thing would happen more often, because, in many cases, it’s cheaper to fail and try again than it is to implement regulation to massively reduce chances of failure in the first place.

Dear people who complain about regulations:

I know. Intolerance of intolerance is the worst kind of intolerance, isn’t it.

Fuck her, fuck the fans of her show reboot, fuck all this. Why the fuck is her show still going? Why the fuck is she allowed to do this with no repurcussions? What the fuck...

It sounded to me like the FBI had infiltrated the group, but I didn’t go back to check.

I think it goes beyond sexual frustration - it’s frustration that they are not in control of a woman or women.