
She’s just mad her Triple Shot, Soy Milk, Two Caramel Pumps Mocha Macchiato was heated to 120° instead of the 125° she asked so she was 2 minutes late to her hot yoga class man. She’ll get over it.

STFU. Seriously. It’s that white nonsense that tries to claim “Black Lives Matter” really means “Only Black Lives Matter”. That’s not what was said, that’s not what was implied, that’s just some bullshit you’re spouting to distract from the actual point, because you’re an asshole trying desperately to convince

It looks like the company has the most crack-smoking anti-counterfeit department ever. Just look at that; impossible to fake. That serial number, the embossing, the use of a custom perforation punch, an expiration date, the employee number. Yup. All missing.

the black men, got into the back of the brothers’ van

Re: Dr. Strange - It’s a CLOAK, not a CAPE. Specifically, the CLOAK of Levitation. Someone talking about fashion really should know better than to call a cloak a cape.

Alternate headline:

This a new level of nuts. Kanye’s always been off, but he knew where his money came from. Cooning for conservatives isn’t going to fill concert seats. BTW, as to chemicals, an eyedropper of my blood will get your whole frat house high but I’ve never said anything this crazy.

Please keep reading, but full disclosure: I’m a white dude. I was once exposed to what seemed to be a major but hidden thread in black culture when I served in Korea in 2006/7; several older senior Sergeants, whom I greatly respected, were teaching us about the basics of Army motorvehicle maintenance and use. Some of

We need to stop this “I’m entitled to my opinion” non-sense. All opinions are not of value nor should they be respected. I know absolutely nothing about nuclear physics. My opinion on the topic of nuclear physics makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich.

Maybe there should be a some kind of disincentive for calling the cops for no god damn reason. This feels like SWATting; see a face you don’t like? Call the cops, tell them there’s a very scary black man who may have a WEAPON, and see what happens. Maybe when you needlessly put someone else’s life at risk, there

Not sure where your “facts” originate from. I cannot debate Dunbar HS because I did not attend that institution but I can debate about Harvard. Purdue & UNC-CH.

I’ve been saying this for years. These guys lack love and community. They lack any sort of bonds to the people around them. If you have meaningful relationships in your life you just don’t go on murder sprees for the hell of it. I don’t know how we solve it either. I do think it has to start young. But it’s


You can learn more by reading the Incel magazine.

normally a big fan of your work but uhhh no mention of his race...being a white man is a pretty big part his whole woe is me I’m not getting the romantic attention that I deserve for simply being a white man schtick (I can’t think of a better word than schtick rn)....I doubt that incel “community” has many men of

Take a couple of civics classes and actually learn something about what you’re trying to talk about, then get back to me, thanks.

Meanwhile, Chance has already used his platform and his own money to help public education for children of Chicago in the last few years.

I saw Alex’s push to make up with Naomi a little differently. His exwife and kid on Mars, Alex was hoping to get a message along the lines of, “You’re a dick, I’ve replaced you with someone better and your son barely remembers what you look like but I guess we’re still family. Try not to die.”

The only way this could get better is if by some cosmic twist one of those republican forced burial anti-abortion laws allowed the fetal remains to exhumed and DNA tested and proved categorically Trump was the father.

Sums up the meeting like this: